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The Secret 9this story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 5628 words) [9/9] show all parts

Author: jwdoney
Added: Dec 01 2023Views / Reads: 698 / 375 [54%]Part vote: 9.90 (10 votes)
Jack and Hailey return with a unique time jump recap, plenty of Kim, and all new sex and fun. Our sexy blonde pornstar, her handsome step-brother, and their red haired girlfriend are back.

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This will be possibly my most challenging story continuation ever. Copying, pasting, editing and adding new content won't do it, not for this story. THE SECRET was ahead of its time in so many ways. The story of a young pornstar hidden in plain sight was pure Gold, but life happened and I left it stalled at 8 parts. My problem isn't reviving the great story that should have never been paused, it's time itself. Vanessa Cage, the beautiful blonde pornstar that this entire story was based upon and a tribute to, has aged. A simple fact of life, pornstars come and go as they age, lose interest, gain weight, have families, etcetera. 2015 to 2023/24 (nine years) is a long time, especially for a young blonde pornstar. Like many young, fresh faced porn actresses, as she aged and new girls came along, Vanessa has been pushed out of the sister, step-sister, schoolgirl, barely 18, and other young genres to the mom, stepmom, and MILF category and is no longer top 5, top 10, or even top 20. These are not my thoughts, I did the research and I follow her. So how do I continue the story as if Vanessa were still young, at the top, and prominent?

I think my answer is ONLY FANS, engagement and eventually marriage.

I hope this works, because the love story between Jack and Hailey still has miles on it and I still have a couple of surprises and one big fight left for the lovebirds yet to come. Any descriptions of the characters, especially Hailey/Vanessa override and supersede any that were given or used in previous parts. I do not have the permission of ...

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