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SAVING JENNA 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 5743 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: jwdoney
Added: May 13 2024Views / Reads: 1335 / 856 [64%]Part vote: 10.00 (16 votes)
The more David finds out, the less he knows. A sexy adversary reveals herself in more ways than one, his lust for Jenna put them both in danger, Winter wants more, and then the revelation that changes everything... and plenty of sex!

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A sexy spy story like no other with so many twists and turns you might need a map, and the major twist, a blockbuster swerve should come from out of absolutely nowhere, somewhere after part 2. Relax, read and enjoy, don't waste time overthinking because none of this could happen and even if it did, I could only wish to get this lucky. No offense, insult or negatives are intended, this is just a fast, fun and sexy story. Recap will be minimal to get right to the story.

Any people, places, names, products or events mentioned are done so without permission or endorsement, including certain movies, shows, books and franchises. This is absolutely a work of fiction.

My name is David, I am 25 years old, 6' tall with short black hair, blue eyes, and a strong, fit, athletic build. I live with my beautiful fiancee Maria who is 24 years old, 5' 11", has long red hair, green eyes, and an amazing, fit and toned body. Maria is a fitness trainer and part-time model, but makes most of her money posting content on and teasing men on both her website and ONLY FANS. We have been together five years, are planning to get married next Summer, and we're extremely happy. A couple of years ago, after being lonely and divorced for more than five years, dad met, dated, and eventually married Jenna. Closer to my age than dad's, Jenna is 29, 5' 10", has long, light blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and possibly the fittest, hottest and nicest body I have ever seen. She's also quietly beautiful, politely attractive, and very possibly the sweetest and nicest person dad and I ...

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