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This Is Our Secret 5 (fm:older women/men, 20428 words) [5/5] show all parts

Author: jwdoney
Added: May 27 2024Views / Reads: 1711 / 1440 [84%]Part vote: 9.95 (20 votes)
Brian is curious, shy and in lust with his sexy stepmom Kelly, who sets him up with beautiful Amy to distract their forbidden affair, except Amy figures things out. An edited, streamlined repost of parts 1-4 with new content to set up more parts.

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swallowed and said "Hotter than fire". Kelly just smiled at me and said "You're the best". Kelly came closer so that my face was even with her pantyline and belly button. Warmth radiated from her mostly naked body and she said "I can always count on you to make me feel better about myself" then she hugged me. I didn't mean to do it, but when I held her, my hands cupped and rubbed her firm ass and Kelly flirted "Don't let your father see you do that" but she made no move to push my hands away.

I felt warm all over and very guilty as I let go of Kelly's ass and she stepped back saying "You need to find a girlfriend or someone who treats you special. It has to be boring talking to your friends and playing Xbox all the time". I sighed and said "I can't find a girlfriend Kelly, you know this. I'm shy and it's hard to meet anyone" . Kelly stared at me for a long moment then said "I call bullshit. You're not shy with me. I bet if I helped you with your confidence, you could meet a nice girl". I stared at Kelly despite her practically naked body and sighed. Kelly asked "Do you have any prospects? Is there anyone that you're interested in?" I shook my head slowly and then muttered "No". Kelly sighed then took my hand until I stood facing her perfect body. I was getting hard and... scratch that... I was rock hard with no way to hide it as Kelly crowded closer and said "This can be our secret. Let me show you something that will help you considerably". Kelly slid her hand behind my neck, grazed my skin with her nails, then pulled me into a scorching kiss so hot, the smoke alarms should have gone off. Kelly's mouth was warm and we kissed slow and soft for several minutes... I think... until she eased back and said "When you meet the right girl... that would be enough to get her under your spell".

I sighed. It was difficult to think and now I was super horny. Still mostly naked, Kelly hugged me then said "Now get back to your buddies and have fun. I'll try not to bother you anymore". I was so hard it ached and Kelly walked off in her lingerie leaving me horny and miserable. I took the guys off mute and said "Sorry". We got into a helicopter and flew to the next area, took down an enemy stronghold and then saved and called it a night. For several minutes after we finished playing, I sat there thinking about the kiss, thinking about Kelly, but mostly I just sat there staring at the TV shaking. Kelly came back into the room and asked "What's the matter with you?" I lied and said "Nothing" and Kelly came to sit next to me and said "Sweetheart, I promise I will help find you a nice girl. It's going to be fine".

I realized Kelly had a small, silky, maroon robe on and it barely fit her... and I mean barely. I could see her legs and thighs all the way up to her matching maroon panties. What happened to the blue lingerie? There was no doubt Kelly had no bra on and the way the robe hung open I was real close to seeing her boobs. I was dizzy and so hard it hurt and confused and then Kelly touched my face and said "You need to slow down before you lose it. What the heck has got you so worked up?" I couldn't think but I said "I just... I'm so confused". Kelly was close to me and I couldn't concentrate, all I could see was her body and her long blonde hair and her eyes and she leaned close to ask "Are you okay?" I was shaking as I pressed my lips to hers and she parted them for a warm kiss. We kissed hungrily until Kelly eased back and said "You need to breathe. You're so tense. What happened?" I said "I don't know... I already told you".

Kelly's robe had come open and now, finally, I could see her firm, round breasts and the stiff nipples that capped them. It seemed like I got harder but Kelly glanced down at herself, shook her head a bit, then said "Focus. Tell me what you want and I'll move Heaven and Earth to get it for you". I swallowed and blinked because at the moment, the thing I wanted most was Kelly. I was confused, horny, nervous and shaking when Kelly's phone rang and she turned to stare at the table it was sitting on. I practically whispered "It's for you". Kelly laughed and touched the bulge in my pants then said "Something has seriously gotten you worked up honey.". I looked down at Kelly's hand still on my bulge and then at her large chest spilling free of her wide open robe. How did she not know she was ‘the' something? Kelly let go of me, pulled her robe closed, then said "Let's see who it is so that we can finish our conversation. Would you like to finish our conversation?" I nodded profusely and Kelly smiled then said "I figured you would. Let's see who this is at 8 at night". I was beside myself and ready to pass out as Kelly stood there talking on her phone with her robe now completely open and exposing everything except for tiny maroon panties that didn't cover much.

It was dad and Kelly said "Hi baby, how's your game going?" Kelly listened, said "Uh huh" a couple of times, then looked at me and sighed "Okay". She hung up the phone, ignored her open robe and everything she was showing me, and said "I have to go get your father. He's had a couple of drinks and doesn't want to drive. How about we finish our talk tomorrow while he plays golf?" Tomorrow was Saturday and I was off, so I swallowed and said quietly "Sure". Kelly either didn't care that I saw her perfect body and firm, round breasts... or maybe she did. Either way, she moved closer, kissed me again as if it were normal to do so, then touched my face and said "I just love you so much. The best part of marrying your father was getting you". I blinked and Kelly just went to her bedroom while I stood there with a muddled brain and a rock hard cock straining my shorts. Defying the thought that it takes women hours to get ready, less than five minutes later Kelly was gathering her keys and smartphone wearing a tight black skirt, silky white blouse, and short heels.

God she was so beautiful.

I stared at her the entire time until she stopped, smiled at me, then came close and said "You need to go take a long shower and get into bed, You look worn out. I'll put your father to bed and come tuck you in, so wait for me". I stood there with a hard, aching cock and nodded then said for no reason "I love you". Kelly smiled brightly then said "I love you too sweetheart. More than you will ever know". Kelly held my face and kissed my lips softly, then said "Okay. Go take a shower, relax, and wait for me. I'll be back soon". I went to my bedroom, stripped everything off, then stood under the warm water and jerked off. I was so hard it ached and my cock pulsed and throbbed in my hands as thoughts of Kelly filled my brain. It took a few minutes, but the pressure came from my toes and when I came, I exploded all over the glass door to my shower. I stroked until I was spent then washed up and got out, dried off, then put on shorts and a t-shirt. I watched CHICAGO FIRE then lay there staring at my ceiling until my door eased open and Kelly smiled "Good, you're still awake". Her long blonde hair was back in a tight ponytail and she seemed like she had just showered.

Kelly was wearing a blue robe, equally as skimpy and pointless as the maroon one, and when she got onto my bed I saw her panties were a silky blue match to the robe. I got hard quickly and had no way to hide it as Kelly stared at my shorts and asked "You do realize that's a serious compliment?" I blushed and looked away but Kelly touched my face and stared into my eyes saying "Baby, don't be like that. I'm the one woman who will never hurt you, humiliate you, or turn you away. Don't be embarrassed, nervous or shy around me. I love you like no one else ever will". God I wanted Kelly. More than anything or anyone. I wanted her so much I couldn't think about anything or anyone else. Again, like earlier in the living room, Kelly's robe was real close to opening and I could see most of her chest. I tried not to stare but Kelly caught me and gave me a naughty look then asked "Do you feel any better after your shower?" I sure did, but she didn't need to know it was because I pounded off while imagining her naked. Kelly smiled at me for a minute then said "Shut off your light and I'll lay with you for a few minutes. Your father is out cold so he won't miss me for a while".

I shut off the light and Kelly moved around until she was beside me and snuggled against me. She said "You can take off your shirt if you want. I know you don't usually sleep in one". I did and dropped it to the floor then again Kelly snuggled right up against me and we were both quiet. It was warm and romantic and my body felt tingly even as my cock throbbed and ached. Kelly kissed me softly then held me and the next thing I knew, it was morning. I smelled coffee and opened my eyes to find dad dressed for golf and staring at me while sipping his coffee. I also realized Kelly was still in bed beside me and sound asleep. I stared at her sound asleep with her long blonde hair a mess and dad whispered "When did she come in here?" I stared at dad but he laughed and said "Son, if I was upset, you would know it. She said she was going to come lay with you. I take it you fell asleep?" I nodded and dad said "She does so much for everyone else. Let her rest and give her whatever she wants today, no matter what it is. She has been looking forward to spending the day with you all week, so make sure she has fun". I stared at Kelly sleeping quietly and realized her robe was open, her full chest was bare, and dad didn't seem to notice... or care.

I blushed and stared at dad who laughed and said "Get used to it. She's proud of her body and the only reason she wears clothes around here is you. If she had her way, she'd be naked all the time". I blinked rapidly and dad asked "Brian? Do you have a crush on my wife?" I gasped and dad laughed then said "Have fun today. Hey... you know what?" Take her to see that Galaxy movie she's always talking about. It's not my thing but I bet you would enjoy it". I asked "GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY vol 2?" Dad said "I think so. Take her to see it and make it a surprise". I stared at Kelly sleeping some more. She was so peaceful and her body was perfect. Dad said "I have to go, have a good day, and remember... no matter what she wants today, give it to her... she deserves it". Dad left and I moved to my side, ignored my aching erection, and held Kelly. She was literally the perfect female and I wanted her so bad it was hard to think sometimes. I kissed her cheek and she stayed asleep, so I got bolder and slowly eased the sheet down to her knees. It was warm in the house but Kelly's nipples were stiff and perky and I would have given anything to touch them, kiss them, suck on them.

I slowly, carefully pulled, shifted and eased Kelly's robe aside until I saw every inch of her tan skin that her silky blue panties didn't cover. I was so hard it was difficult to think and I really, really wanted to pull her panties down. It was a good way to get slapped... or worse... have dad kill me. Kelly stirred, stretched, her hand moved and brushed against my cock trapped in my shorts. Kelly's eyes blinked open and she didn't move, just looked at me, looked around, looked down at her exposed body, then she sighed. I swallowed and feared the worst, but Kelly said very quietly "Go shut that door before I change my mind". I got out of bed and shut my door then Kelly said "If you listen to me, this happens. If you don't, I will go take a shower. Do we have a deal?" I nodded and Kelly said "Get undressed. We both know you're excited, so get undressed. Mine stay on, but you can take yours off". I couldn't believe it and stared at Kelly who asked "Is this you listening to me?" I shook my head then pulled down my shorts to expose my aching cock. Kelly gasped then sat up and said "You're huge". I blushed and Kelly seemed to remember something and lay back down then motioned for me to lay atop her.

I couldn't believe it. Was this really happening?

I settled atop Kelly with my rock hard cock pressed against her warm pussy and the silky blue panties. We started to kiss and kept kissing until things became a blur. I was so out of it, that I almost didn't even realize that both of us were rocking and moving as if having sex even though I wasn't inside her. Kelly was kissing me so passionately that it kept me dizzy and I was really close to cumming and didn't know what to do about it. Was that what she wanted? Were we fooling around or was this kissing that had gotten so hot she didn't realize it had gotten this far? My cock started to throb and that was when Kelly wrapped her legs around me and made sure there was no chance I could get away. I lost it and exploded between us, my hot cum splattering on Kelly's stomach and chest. I kept cumming and it felt like I spurted seven or eight times before I was spent and just lay there sticky, happy, and satisfied. Kelly touched my face, looked deep into my eyes, and said "This is our secret". I stared at her and she said "No discussion, no conversation, am I clear?" I nodded and Kelly smiled then said "Let's take a shower and have breakfast, Are you okay?" I nodded and said "I love you" Kelly smiled sweetly and said "I love you, and I think you know that now".

We took a shower and Kelly fulfilled two more of my fantasies without even realizing it, by taking her panties off and letting me see her naked, and sharing a shower with me. Another fantasy got checked off during the shower when a simple kiss turned into making out and she let me touch her perfect body. I stared at Kelly with hunger and desire hoping she would let me fuck her, but she shook her head and said "No. Anything but that. Everything and anything but that". So there would be no actual sex. I was happy to get this far. I could deal with the no sex rule. We dried off and Kelly was just as happy, flirty and friendly as before we made out on the bed. I decided to take dad's idea and said "I'm taking you on a date this afternoon and it's a surprise. It was dad's idea". Kelly was standing in my bedroom completely naked and said "I see. Well, what kind of date is it?" I said "It's a surprise, but it's casual, so wear whatever you want". Kelly smiled and said "Hmmm... okay, but if it's a date, I expect you to hold my hand and be romantic". I gasped then said "Don't worry, I will". Kelly picked up her robe, got her panties from the bathroom floor, then said "Get dressed and meet me in the kitchen for breakfast. Thank you for being respectful".

I just stared at Kelly and she smiled then left my room. Wow. Did that really just happen? I may not have entered her, but I essentially just had sex with my gorgeous stepmom. Not to mention seeing her perfect body naked, kissing her like a hundred times, and touching her perfection with consent. If this wasn't Heaven, it was real close. Kelly came to the kitchen wearing black leggings that fit her perfectly and a white tank top with no bra. The tank top was snug and made her large chest seem larger. I was trying not to stare but failing miserably and Kelly thought it was funny. She peeled an orange and said "The thing about you is you're real. I hope you know that I've known for a while that you were into me and had all these hopes and fantasies". I asked "I thought we weren't gonna talk about it?" Kelly pushed a piece of orange into my mouth and said "No. I said we were not going to talk about us, it, the thing, what it is, any part of it. We won't and that's that. You start trying to define it and it ends before it starts. Is there any confusion on that?" I shook my head and Kelly said "Good. Now, as for you wanting me and thinking I didn't know... sorry. It was cute, sweet and flattering, and your father thinks it's why you don't have a girlfriend".

I swallowed the orange and stared at the floor until Kelly said "So this thing we are not going to discuss... I told you I was going to build your confidence... and I will. By the end of next week, I'll have you so confident that you'll have to brush the girls off. Trust me". Kelly had buttered some toast and set the orange sections on a plate, now she was making scrambled eggs. I wanted to try something, so while Kelly was finishing the eggs I moved behind her and rubbed against her from behind. She didn't hit me, slap me, or even push me away. She just kept stirring the eggs and said "That's not romantic. Don't be so rough or crude. Figure out what you want and do it, but that's not really serving any purpose". Was I in school or something. Was this like a seduction and romance course? Kelly pushed against me with her firm ass and said "Move" and I did as she plated the eggs, then set the pan in the sink. I never saw it coming when she grabbed me, kissed me hungrily, then stepped back and said "That's sexy. Brushing up against me isn't. Ready to eat?" I drifted to the table and Kelly said "That's another thing. I know how you feel and what you want. Unfortunately, so does the entire city. Try and see today if you can stop floating around me and just relax. Try it and realize you caught me, so stop chasing me". I blinked and stared at Kelly who asked "What?"

We ate and talked about regular things including her going back to work in dad's office. She had been off since the reelection so that dad could focus on city issues and not her perfection. I mean to be fair, when Kelly is in the room, conversations usually stop. I don't know what other words to use to describe her. She's beautiful, gorgeous, sexy, alluring, smart, funny and just fun to be around. There may not be an actual perfect female, but Kelly is very, very close. We cleaned up from breakfast and Kelly said "So I'm going to go make a couple of calls then get ready. Where are we going and what time are we leaving?" I checked my phone and found out there was a 1:15 showing of GUARDIANS and said "Let's leave at noon". Kelly looked at the clock and said "So it's just after 9 and we have like three hours. I'm going to make my calls and then I want you to come to my workout room. We're going to work out together and I have another lesson to show you. Give me about 20 minutes okay?" A lesson? So this really was like a really exciting private class on love and romance. Thank you God! I said "Okay". Kelly said "Change into loose shorts and a t-shirt and come to my room in about 20 minutes".

I was smiling at Kelly when she moved closer, held me in a long, warm hug, then kissed me slowly and romantically. I was getting hard and she knew it, but we separated and Kelly said "There's no faking how you feel about me, that's for sure. Okay, see you in a bit" and she left the room. I found Kelly in her workout room stretching and she said "So I just talked to your father and I have good news, bad news and great news". Kelly was wearing a baggy t-shirt and socks. I guessed she had spandex or shorts on, but the way she was sitting, she could have been naked under the shirt for all I knew. Her hair was back in a tight ponytail and she was focused, which told me she had made her phone calls and gotten bored waiting for me. Kelly was serious about three things. Everything Marvel, dad and I, and working out. If she wasn't here in her workout room, she was at the gym or running and that was why she still looked young and hot. Not that 30 is old, but you get my point. When she worked for dad, instead of lunch, she used to go to the gym, that's how serious fitness is to Kelly. So she had bad news, good news and great news for me. I smiled and said "Lay it on me".

Kelly said "Your father is going on an overnight trip with Paul and Jake and won't be back until Monday afternoon". That was actually two nights, but it didn't pay to correct Kelly. Trust me, dad and I both knew correcting Kelly led to a dark place. Kelly was a sweet, loving, kind and giving person, but her single pet peeve was being interrupted and corrected. Technically that's two, but you get my point. Regardless, she continued and said "So we have the whole weekend together and if you keep things going like they are now, I'll sleep with you both nights". Wow. That had to be the great news... it just had to be! Kelly continued "Your father also wanted me to tell you that he thought some more about this morning and said to tell you if a single word gets out about us... about you and I... he will personally make sure you hate life. Those are his words, but as you recall, I hinted about the same thing earlier. No one can know about the thing I refuse to discuss". Was that the bad news? It felt like it. Suddenly I was numb, dizzy, and couldn't breathe. Whatever it was that Kelly and I were doing... Dad knew about it?

I heard Kelly ask where I was going, but I couldn't think and needed air. I went to the patio door and opened it, then stood out on the pool deck and stared at the clear blue water in the pool. I took several deep breaths then felt warm hands slip around me and a warm body press against me from behind. Kelly held me and said "Don't say a word. Just come inside with me. I need you to trust me and come with me". I held Kelly's hand, or she held mine, it doesn't really matter... We went through the house and to Kelly's workout room where she said "This is going to be like this morning. You need to listen to me, trust me, and not assume anything. Can you do that?" I nodded and Kelly said "Take a deep breath and let it all out". I did and Kelly said "Okay, we're going to work out, and while we do, we're going to have a little fun. Do you trust me?" I said "Infinitely". Kelly blinked and said "Wow. Infinitely? Are you saying no matter what I asked, you would do it?" I said "Kelly, it's a combination of love, respect and trust. I would walk through fire for you because you're worth it". Kelly stared at me for a long time then said "That's not fair".

I didn't understand why and stood there waiting as Kelly looked away and huffed at least three times before she said "Okay, Screw this. You just called my bluff and you don't even realize it". Kelly touched my face and said "No more games" and took my hand and led me to my bedroom. Kelly shut my door and said "This is the one and only subject we don't talk about. It either happens or doesn't, but no discussion, no conversation. Ever". I nodded and Kelly stripped her t-shirt off and proved me wrong. It wasn't shorts, spandex or panties. It was nothing! Kelly was completely naked and she said "I had this whole seduction in mind to see how much you could endure, how much you would take. You saying infinitely changed my mind. No more games, no more tests, nothing". I didn't understand... and I did. Both and neither. Kelly pulled at my shorts and as they went down, my stiff cock sprang free and stood almost straight up. I stepped out of my shorts, we were both naked, and Kelly smiled and led me to the bed. Wow. This wasn't a dream, it was happening.

We lay there kissing and touching and kissing for a while until Kelly stared into my eyes and asked "How bad do you want this?" I stared into Kelly's eyes and thought long and hard, no pun intended. I said "More than anything in my life. I would give anything, do anything and say anything to be with you". Kelly said "Then you need to understand something. I am dead serious about not talking about, joking, teasing or discussing this. Ever. I am only going to ask you this once and I need you to think and be sure. Brian, knowing I am a married woman, knowing I am married to your father, knowing there will be times I cannot put you first... do you still want to do this?" Something told me it would be okay. Something told me it was worth the risk. Somehow I knew it was better than words could ever be. Instead of answering Kelly, I moved atop her, got into position, and she held my sides as I pressed against her hot, wet lips. I looked into Kelly's crisp blue eyes, plunged deep inside her tight pussy, and gasped "YES!"


Kelly grabbed my head, pulled me into a warm, hungry kiss, and her hands moved to my hips and helped me find the speed and pace that we used to make love. In one way or another, nearly everything since teasing me yesterday in her lingerie had been a teaching moment and it was as if she were showing me how to get a girl. I've had girlfriends and lovers, but since I am shy, it takes a lot of effort to find someone and ask them out. Once I do, I am romantic and devoted, but I haven't found the right girl yet... I just hope she's out there. Dad and Kelly think my obsession and lust for Kelly is why I haven't found anyone in a while... they may be right.

Kelly stopped kissing me and asked "Where did you go? What are you thinking about?" We were making love and I was stroking slow and deep into the one woman I hoped but never imagined I would ever be with. To me Kelly is complete perfection, and there aren't enough words to tell her... or you why. I kept stroking slow and steady as I said "You. I was just thinking about how lucky I am". Kelly purred. She literally purred "It's not luck baby. I chose this. I decided to let it happen. None of this was an accident or luck". I slowed and almost stopped because it was so shocking to hear her say that. Kelly moved her hips and said "Focus. We can talk all day and night. Right now focus on what we're doing". Wow, this was the best school ever and Kelly was by far the hottest teacher around.

It felt like we made love for several minutes, and it may have been, but I was so excited and overwhelmed that I doubt it was more than five... ten at most. I stroked slow and deep, and every stroke sent ripples of pleasure across my body. I've had sex, but nothing compared to the feeling of being inside the woman who was literally the girl of my dreams. I was getting close and Kelly was breathing deeply and holding me tighter. She stared into my eyes and practically moaned "I'm real close". I kissed her and it was a hungry kiss at first, but Kelly moved her hands from my body to my face and turned it into a sensual kiss. That was all I could take and I exploded deep inside Kelly in a blinding climax. I went into overdrive and stroked as hard and deep as possible as I spurted everything I had into Kelly's perfect body. She was thrashing and moaning beneath me and then her entire body tensed, she sucked in a whole lot of oxygen, and then screamed as her body shook beneath me. By the time we were both done, I was satisfied, happy and exhausted. Never had sex been that intense and I just held Kelly because I was so in love with her I couldn't think straight.

We lay there for a long time talking quietly and kissing softly until Kelly said "Let's get cleaned up and go on our date". We were in the shower and I was all over Kelly who said "Okay, calm down. Your father is going to be gone tonight and tomorrow night, so you have me all to yourself for three days and two nights. Stop acting like you're never going to see me again and relax". We were almost done in the shower and Kelly said "Okay... Brian... listen to me. I can't teach you things if you don't listen to me". I was confused and said "Kelly, I listen to every word of every sentence you speak. I always listen to you... every word". Kelly sighed and said "Baby... I'm not trying to be a bitch". She sighed "Okay... Here's the deal. From this moment on until your father gets home or I tell you otherwise, I want you to treat me like your girlfriend. I can't help you if I can't see what you do and how you do it". What? So this really was like a class or something? Would there be homework? Kelly said "You were all over me and I asked you to chill, but you took it to the extreme and basically ignored me. Do you want to have sex again? Is that the issue?"

Was that a trick question? It felt like a trick question.

I said "I thought we weren't talking about it". Kelly gave me a look and said "We're not". I was really confused and to be petty said "Yeah, I want to have sex again". Kelly smiled and said "Sorry. Not going to happen. Not with that attitude. Sex with me is a gift, a privilege, and if you act otherwise... no gifts, no privilege". My head was starting to hurt and I said "I don't understand how I screwed everything up in a sentence or less. Whatever I said or did, I am really sorry. Don't you know I would never hurt you Kelly?" Kelly smiled and said "I do. But if I am going to help you meet a nice girl and charm her, win her over, and keep her, you have to be willing to listen to me". I would either get slapped or a straight answer, but I had to know... even if I ended up regretting it. I swallowed and asked "So all of this is like teaching or training? Does that include the sex?" Kelly shut off the water and said "You are really lucky I know who you are and how you are because that was an awful question and could have ended everything between us". I said "That's not what I want, but can you please answer me and then I promise never to bring it up again?"

Kelly was quiet as we dried off, and she watched me, looked at me, and smiled at me as I sat on my bed wrapped in a towel while she brushed her hair completely naked. I was getting hard in a hurry and she knew. Kelly saw, she knew and she smiled, but still said nothing. Finally Kelly said "There are two equal parts that happen to coincide. I really and truly want to help you find someone who deserves you and who will treat you well. I think I can refine your strengths and eliminate your weaknesses and then the right girl will just appear. As for the other factor, this is the only time we will discuss this and you need to understand what you're asking of me to say the words". I stared at Kelly who was still naked and probably the only Goddess I would ever meet. She was literally the most beautiful woman I knew. Her body was better than any pornstar, any model or actress, and she could easily be a Playboy Playmate. Just the sight of her made me... Kelly asked "Are you still listening to me?" I nodded and said "Always". Kelly said "I've known what you wanted from me for a while now. So has your father... and to be honest... most of the city knows how you feel about me and what you want".

I didn't know what to say so I sat quietly trying to ignore my now raging erection. I stood, dropped the towel then sat back on my bed naked and it made Kelly smile seeing me hard and excited. Kelly said "So I gave you what you wanted and got something I wanted too. I love your father and we're happy, but little by little the idea of being with you became an urge and then I decided to give in and do it. I decided to sleep with you and if you can follow my rules, listen to me, be discreet and respectful, I will continue to sleep with you as long as it doesn't interfere with my marriage or you finding a nice girl". Wow! Even as the words sank in and the reality of a sexual affair with my smoking hot stepmom became real... I was still stunned. Kelly said "Now. We are not going to discuss this again and you will make sure to be respectful around your father because it's one thing for him to look the other way... it's another to be reminded of it".

What the fuck? Dad knew and was allowing it?

Kelly said "So here's the deal. We have an hour before we have to go on this mystery date and you are clearly still processing everything". I sighed and muttered "Yeah". Kelly moved closer and said "Let's use that time wisely" and got onto the bed, slinked past me, then lay on her back smiling at me. God she was the hottest woman I have ever seen. I stared at Kelly until she wiggled her finger, opened her arms, and guided me to her. I was so excited I was shaking and Kelly said "Calm down and relax. Enjoy this so that I can. Just relax baby". I slid inside perfection for the second time that day and lost every bit of my composure. We didn't make love, we didn't even have sex... I fucked Kelly and I mean I fucked her. I stroked as fast, as hard and as deep as I could and Kelly just panted and worked right along with me. Her hands were all over me, her hips moved with mine, and every moan or gasp spurred me towards my explosion of pleasure. I went into a haze like state and just fucked Kelly for all I was worth. The pressure built, my cock ached, and then I came inside her and pumped until I was spent. I have no idea if Kelly had an orgasm, but the way she was acting told me she probably did.

We lay there kissing this time, almost continuously, and it was sensual and romantic. The girl of my dreams... the woman of my dreams... was married to my father. But today... today she was mine. When we finally stopped kissing, Kelly said "Okay. Let's try the shower again, but this time without the drama". We were washing up when I said almost dreamily "I would do anything for you Kelly". Kelly kissed my lips, rubbed her nose against mine, then said "Then here's what I want you to do. You drove down the field and scored twice. Now, stop climbing me like I'm a mountain and stop staring at me like I'm a painting. Just spend time with me, be sweet and romantic, and when we get home... maybe you can score again". I sighed and Kelly laughed "Fine. No maybe about it. You're gonna score again... probably a couple of times". I sighed again and Kelly said "I am literally your Kryptonite". I sighed a third time and Kelly said "For your own good, I'm not wearing a skirt on our date". I blinked and Kelly said "I think it's for the best".

We were drying off when Kelly smirked and said "We've been a little busy, but I mentioned that I had to make a couple of calls. Remember?" I nodded and Kelly said "So go get dressed and meet me in the kitchen. What you wear decides what happens when we get back from our date". What? What did that mean? I must have stared at her too long because Kelly laughed and said "So I want you to dress like you want this date, not like you know you have it". Kelly left my room and got dressed, but I stood there in my jeans and t-shirt and it hit me. Kelly wanted me to take the date seriously and not act like I had her. My brain was mush because I still didn't believe anything that had happened and I was there when it happened! I changed into nice pants, a polo shirt and shoes, no sneakers. I was sipping a soda in the kitchen when Kelly came into the room and lit the entire thing up. She was wearing faded blue jeans with the front thighs shredded... it's the thing now. Her blouse was blue and flirty, fit her well, and hinted at her ample chest and massive cleavage. Kelly's hair was brushed and straight and she had on a bracelet and her wedding and engagement rings. Sometimes she wore them, sometimes she didn't. Dad didn't care because Kelly was a 15 on the 10 scale and as loyal as anyone could want.

That moment was when the ton of bricks fell on me... right then.

I remember the other day asking dad about Kelly wearing so little and why he wasn't jealous. His answer was that the only man besides him that Kelly liked was me... and at the time I laughed it off. Kelly was staring at me and asked "What is it Brian?" I told her what I was thinking and she sighed and said "You just have to analyze this, don't you?" I said "No. I mean yes. I'm trying Kelly, but even as I realize how lucky I am... I realize that dad is... he's like my best friend, not just my dad". Kelly said "Then you need to listen to me and stop doing this or there will be no this. I know what I'm doing, I'm choosing to do it, and I have an end goal that will make us both happy. Clear your mind, take me on a date, then bring me home and see what happens. Keep in mind, I still have a surprise for you and I promise you will not expect it". My mind was racing and I asked "The other phone call?" Kelly smiled and said "The other phone call". Kelly held me and said "God. You have got to relax before you pass out. Do I really excite you this much?" I said "You don't seem to understand Kelly. You are everything to me and I would do anything to be with you. Anything".

Kelly kissed me softly then said "If that's true, and I believe it is, just relax and let things happen. So far trusting me has worked out pretty well... am I right?" I nodded and Kelly said "Okay, time for our date. Show me how romantic you can be... we're on the clock now". We went to the car, I drove, and when we parked at the theater, Kelly smiled and said "GUARDIANS". I nodded and said "Yeah". Kelly touched my arm and said "Keep in mind your father is the mayor and pretty much everyone knows who I am. They also know about your undying love and lust for me, so yeah. Just try to keep it in check in public and I will reward you at home... I promise". We were standing in the line for tickets when Kelly slipped her hand in mine and when I looked at her, she smiled. I floated until we came to the window and paid. The man was looking at Kelly and asked "Aren't you the mayor's wife?" Kelly said "I am. This is my stepson Brian. We're really close". The clerk glanced around and said "I'm sorry, but you're really attractive. I didn't think women like you existed". Kelly blushed and squeezed my hand and I said "Tell me about it".

We got our snacks and went into the theater but the trailers were playing. Kelly was as close to me as the seats would allow and I laughed "Now who's crowding who". Kelly whispered "I'm really horny right now. Do you want to know why?" I gasped and glanced around then moved in for a kiss. Kelly glanced around as well then whispered "No" but moved closer. I felt electricity through my entire body and at that moment truly knew what desire was. Kelly was staring into my eyes and said "No one, not even your father has paid this much attention to me. I'm beginning to see just how into me you are". The lights dimmed for the movie to start and Kelly kissed me softly then said "As soon as we're in private... take me". I gasped but Kelly whispered "Now watch the movie, hold my hand, and know that you're loved". For what it's worth, GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY vol 2 was great. Every bit as fun and exciting as the first one. The only thing better was the gorgeous woman who was my date, held my hand for almost the entire movie. We were leaving the theatre when Kelly pushed me into a small dark alcove near the trash can and said "When we get home I am going to fuck your brains out".

She pushed off me and walked away while I stood there mind blown and horny as fuck. I caught up to Kelly looking at the WONDER WOMAN poster and she said "This is going to be great". I slipped my hand around Kelly's waist and either she forgot where we were or didn't care because she shifted so that I held her from behind. God she was walking perfection. We were staring at the WONDER WOMAN poster and Kelly quoted Superman from BATMAN VS SUPERMAN "Is she with you?" I laughed and quoted Batman "I thought she was with you". We walked back to the car holding hands and Kelly said "That was the best date I've ever been on. Thank you". I stared at Kelly conflicted because she was married to my father who I loved more than anyone in this world. Kelly sighed and said "Baby, if we're gonna do this, you have to separate things. Our moments have nothing to do with your father or anyone else". I nodded and we got into the car, Kelly drove, and I stared at her. She smiled and asked "This complete obsession you have with me, it's not going away... is it?" I sighed and said "I'm trying Kelly, but you are every single thing I want from a woman. To me you're perfect".

Kelly was quiet but still seemed happy and smiled as she drove. We stopped at McDonalds and got food, then sat in the car and talked while we ate it. Kelly actually ate like she was hungry, yet another thing I liked about her. She doesn't pick at her food like a bird or complain all the time. In fact, she doesn't really complain at all. We were done and I was gathering the trash when Kelly picked up her phone and sent someone a text, then stared at her phone waiting for a reply. I threw the trash away and sat back beside Kelly who said "Let's go home and exercise". I grinned and Kelly asked "You like that?" She pulled at me and said "Kiss me. Right here. Kiss me". Imagine winning the lottery. Imagine Kate Upton delivers your check. Now imagine you won the lottery and Kate Upton delivers your check in a bikini and drags you to a bedroom. Still not what it feels like to be with Kelly. We kissed slowly and warmly and I was getting hard fast. We went from kissing to making out right there in the McDonald's parking lot and I was past excited, past aroused, I was into all new territory. Kelly pushed me away breathless and said "We need to get home".

I stared out the windshield as Kelly drove and when she parked we went inside and it was like in the movies. We were all over each other and clothes were flying. We were in Kelly's bedroom and I was down to my socks and underwear, Kelly had her lacy pink lingerie on. We were both excited, breathing heavily and wired for sound. I stared at the bed, my father's bed, and then looked at Kelly who said "Shit. Wrong room". We hurried to my bedroom and Kelly said "Don't think. Undress". I yanked my underwear down and my aching cock stood straight up ready to go. Kelly unclasped her bra, slid her panties down, then said "Now I want you to fuck me like you've always wanted to". I moved closer to Kelly and held her as I kissed her passionately. She molded against me and returned the kiss with equal passion as her hands held my body. We got onto the bed and Kelly lay back and guided me to her, between her legs, ready to go. I eased inside Kelly's warm, wet pussy, and realized she wasn't tight, wasn't loose, she was perfect. Everything about Kelly was perfect.

God could retire, because Kelly was perfect.

She said she wanted me to fuck her like I always wanted to, but I didn't want to fuck Kelly... I wanted to make love to her, like in the movies. I began stroking slow and deep and Kelly let out a moan then kissed me warmly. We were making love and kissing when Kelly stopped kissing me, stared into my eyes and said "We have a problem, don't we?" I didn't think so, especially at the moment. Kelly stared deep into my eyes and said "This isn't an affair or fun to you, is it?" I slowed then stopped as Kelly held my hips and stared into my soul. My cock was throbbing and Kelly's pussy began slowly clenching and squeezing my cock. I didn't have an answer so I stared back at Kelly as our bodies wanted us to continue, even if we didn't. Kelly shifted beneath me and my cock slid inches deeper and I almost came. Kelly's eyes rolled back and she let out a long, slow moan then said "Finish and we can talk". I kissed Kelly passionately and then resumed making love but I was close, real close, and I knew I didn't have long.

I started stroking faster, deeper, for all I was worth, and Kelly gasped then worked her hips to match me. We were really going at it when she squeaked, her body tensed, then Kelly screamed and began to shake beneath me. Her hands left my body and tore at the sheets as her back arched and her entire body shook. My cock tingled and ached and then I exploded deep inside Kelly as a flash of white blinded me and filled my brain. I pumped and thrust deep into Kelly as I came as much as I ever have and it felt like pure energy was coursing through my body. We finished together then lay there spent and breathless for several minutes. Neither of us moved or spoke, we didn't even kiss. Kelly began stroking and rubbing my back, then said "We will have to end this at some point because I will not divorce your father". I said nothing because there was nothing to say. Kelly was quiet for a while and I kissed her a few times but her mind was somewhere and I had a bad feeling where it was.

We separated and cleaned up, and Kelly stayed on my bed naked but she was distant, almost cold, and it wasn't like her. I touched her arm and she smiled at me but it was a fast smile that faded and I knew something was wrong. As soon as she shifted around to face me, I knew the breakup was coming and it hurt me deep inside because there was nothing I could do about it. Kelly exhaled and said "I know you're not going to understand this, but we need to talk about something". I sighed, exhaled, then said "You want to break up, to end this, but you don't want to hurt me". Kelly blinked several times then blew my mind completely. She smiled slightly and said "No. Not even close. Just the opposite in fact. Your desire and hunger and attention are addictive and I want more, not less. I won't leave your father no matter what and as long as he's willing to look the other way, you and I will be together. That's the problem Brian. I love you and I have loved you, but now... I'm falling in love with you". I gasped but Kelly said "That's not the problem though. By now Amy is on her way over here to meet you and I'm jealous. I'm torn up with jealousy that you and Amy might hit it off and I could get left behind".

I gasped and asked "Amy?" Kelly said "Yeah. My friend Amy who I am setting you up with is on her way over here to meet you and I think you're really going to like her". I stared at Kelly with complete confusion... and love. I loved her and it was wrong but it didn't matter. I loved her and was in love with her. She was married to my father and sleeping with me and I was in love with her.

Then the doorbell rang.


Kelly said "That's probably Amy. I had her come by to meet you because I think the two of you will hit it off". We dressed in a hurry and Kelly said "No matter what, she cannot know about us sleeping together. She thinks I'm setting the two of you up as my stepson, which I am essentially. You have to promise me Brian that no one finds out about our secret, especially Amy. Promise me or we will have to end everything right now". The doorbell rang again and I stared at Kelly who practically begged "Please?" I said "I swear. I don't understand any of this and I agreed not to discuss it, but I swear". Kelly glanced at the door and said "We can talk about all of this when Amy goes home, but just do me one favor and give her a chance. Of all my friends, Amy is who I picked for you because... well... you'll see".

We went to the door together and opened it, but there was no one there. Kelly stepped out onto the porch and I stood close behind her to see a tall girl or woman with long dark hair about to get into an SUV. Kelly shouted "Amy" and the woman turned, smiled, and said "Oh. I thought no one was home". Kelly lied "He's nervous, but we're here. Come meet him". I was actually nervous because I'm shy around girls, I always have been. I know Kelly and trust her and love her, so I'm open and all that. Half the time I don't realize a girl is interested or flirting with me until it's too late. Shy is as shy does I guess. Amy was barely in the door and I was captivated. She was beautiful. Maybe 23, no more than 25, Amy was probably 5' 10", had long, flowing black hair, amazing blue eyes, and seemed to have a body carved right out of magazines. What struck me though was how Amy seemed nervous, hesitant, maybe even shy. Amy was dressed in a pretty blue and white skirt that was about mid thigh length and showed off smooth, tan legs. Her blouse was blue, short sleeve and hinted at a full, firm chest. Amy had a thing where she brushed her hair back behind her ear, she smiled a lot, and her eyes locked on mine from the moment she came in the door. They say there's someone for everyone... the spark was real... it was if Amy was supposed to be mine.

One minute became twenty and I suddenly realized Amy and I were holding hands and I forgot what we were talking about. She blushed, I got nervous, and we let go and each glanced away. Kelly sighed and said "You two are perfect for each other". I was really anxious and had to try three times, but finally asked Amy "Do you have a boyfriend?" She blushed and said "No". I was thirsty and my face felt warm so I got up to get a drink and then looked at Kelly who mouthed "I love you". Suddenly I had a burst of courage from out of nowhere and asked Amy "Would you like one?" Amy stared at me for a moment as I sipped a Pepsi, then said "If it's you". Then she blushed and looked away. Kelly said "Okay. I think the two of you should go get something to eat, some ice cream, something. Get into the car, agree where to go, then go there and eat and talk. My treat". I looked at Kelly who smiled and asked "Why not?" Amy was staring at me intently so I asked her "Wanna go?" She nodded then stood and held out her hand and I took it. It was warm and soft and she held my hand firmly and sent chills through my entire body. Sex and lust with Kelly was off the charts, but no girl ever made me feel like Amy was making me feel.

Still holding Amy's hand I looked at Kelly and said "Thank you". Kelly smiled, handed me money, and said "You can thank me later. Now go have fun and get to know each other". Amy gripped my hand and pulled slightly so I took the cue and we went outside to my car where I opened her door for her. She got in and her skirt slid up her legs causing me to gasp. Amy blushed and adjusted her skirt but she looked me dead in my eyes when she did and it electrified me. We had only met a half hour ago at best, and I was nervous and anxious, but something made me crouch beside Amy in the doorway to my car. Amy smiled at me past her blushing and asked softly "What?" She was beautiful and had this confidence about her, but she also seemed innocent and I really liked her even though we just met. I summoned up all the courage I had and said "I just... I wanted to kiss you", Amy blushed redder than ever and inhaled but didn't look away from me. She was breathing deeply causing her ample chest to move under her pretty blouse. The moment passed and I was about to get up and get into the car when Amy touched my hand, held it, then asked "I thought you were going to kiss me?"

I leaned in, I was careful and gentle, and I pressed my lips to Amy's and there was a strong spark as we kissed softly. After the kiss, I eased back and Amy was staring at me, I was staring at her, and my entire body was coursing with excitement. I also experienced something new, different and unusual. Despite her bare legs, Amy was fully dressed... and I was hard. Just being with her and a simple lip to lip kiss and I was rock hard and excited. I stood, went around the car, got in, and exhaled but Amy said "We're both nervous". I said "I've always been shy when it comes to girls". Amy asked "Is it you're worried they might say no or that they might not like you?" I said "Both" and started the car. Amy touched my arm and said "I'm saying yes and I like you" and I stared at Amy.

Kelly hit it out of the park on this one on the first try.

The date went well, we went to Taco Bell and ate in the car, listened to music and talked. We drove to the park as it was still light out and went for a walk holding hands and Amy asked me "Would you... uh... never mind... it's silly". I stopped and held both her hands then said "Say it. Nothing you say is silly to me". Amy smiled and asked "Is that true? Do you mean that?" I puffed out my chest and said "I never say anything I don't mean". Amy gripped my hands then asked "Will you ask me out for real? It's kind of a thing with me". I suppressed the nervousness and asked "Will you go out with me?" Amy practically bounced and said "Yes" and then she was pressed against me and we had our first real kiss. It was warm and slow and romantic with parted lips, tongue and all. When Amy eased back she shocked me straight to the core when she said "I'm not in a hurry to have sex, I'd like to wait and be sure, but I was wondering if we could sleep together tomorrow night?" I stared at Amy stunned and she was blushing as she said "Girls play games, I don't. Instead of doing the whole Netflix and chill or (She used air quotes) accidentally falling asleep together, I want to lay with you and get to know you past dating and hanging out".

It actually made sense.

I asked "So tomorrow night?" Amy was blushing but asked "If that's okay?" I nodded and said "I'll try to behave". Amy laughed and said "We both know you will. I can tell what kind of person you are and I also know Kelly very well. She wouldn't say the things about you that she does if they weren't true". I froze and asked "What does she say about me?" Amy blinked and said "Oops". I led Amy to a bench and we sat close as I said "You have to tell me Amy. You have to". Amy sighed and said "Oh my God. You have to swear never to tell her I told you". I asked "Can I be honest with you"? Amy said "Well I would hope you would be, but yes". I said "There's no way I would screw up what we have over a lie or to break a promise". Amy looked shocked and asked "What we have?" I said "Sorry, it just came out". Amy shook her head and said "I'm not upset. You just don't talk or think like most guys. You're for real, aren't you?" I nodded and said "100 percent". Amy held both of my hands in hers and said "You're going to think this is crazy". She had no idea what I would think was crazy... like say sleeping with my stepmom... but I smiled and said "Try me". Amy exhaled slowly then said "She talks about you like she wants to sleep with you".

I gasped and let go of Amy's hands as she said "You can't say anything to her, you promised". I started pacing in front of the bench Amy was sitting on and she said "Brian, everyone knows you're in love with her and that you want her. I've never met you until today and I heard things". I gasped "How? How could you have heard things?" Amy blinked then asked "You don't know what I do? For work?" I shook my head until Amy smiled and said "Hmmm... I think I'll come visit you while at work tomorrow, so you can see what I do". That made no sense. How could she visit me while at work? What was she? A mail carrier? Delivery driver? Contractor? Maybe she was a spy? I was lost in my thoughts when Amy said "None of the rumors matter Brian. It's not like you and Kelly are sleeping together". I gasped then covered it with a laugh but Amy was staring at me intently and it made me nervous. Suddenly Amy wasn't shy and quiet. Suddenly she was strong and confident as she stood and said "Brian Marshall, you tell me right now that you are not sleeping with your father's wife". I froze and stared at Amy who gasped "Oh my God" then just walked away from me.

Nothing... nothing prepared me for what came next... nothing.

After walking a good ways away from me, Amy strode right back up to me and said "I don't want to hear about, think about or know about it. Not any of it. If you have any intention of sleeping with me and you know damn well what I mean by that, you have to end it with Kelly". I was speechless and stunned and Amy said "I work for your father for God's sake. Mayor Marshall is the nicest man I know. How on Earth did you end up sleeping with Kelly?" I tried to speak, I tried to form words, but nothing came out. Amy stared into my soul and said "No. I can't do this. I just can't". I gasped "Wait. Amy... wait. Please don't break up with me. We just started going out". Amy blinked and asked "Who said I was breaking up with you? I didn't say that". I blinked a couple of times then said "You just said you couldn't do this". Amy said "I can't. I can't interfere with whatever you and Kelly are doing. She's one of the smartest people I know, and your father is a good man. If you and Kelly are together, there's a reason. I don't know what it is, but it's not my business. We're not breaking up, but we both wanted the nervousness and shyness to go away... well... they're gone".

I asked "What exactly is your job?" Amy stared at me and said "I'm a cop. A city police officer. I have been for 4 years". What? A cop? Amy? She was possibly the hottest, most athletic person I have ever met, and that's saying something considering how I feel about Kelly. Ok, so they're tied for hottest. Anyways, Amy looks like a lingerie model, not a cop. I asked Amy "How old are you?" She said "You know it's rude to ask a girl that?" I said "You just discovered my deepest secret and we're gonna sleep together tomorrow night, humor me". Amy smiled and said "I like you". I said "That's good because I really like you. How old are you?" Amy said "28". Wow. She didn't look it. I said "I guessed 25 at best" and Amy said "Thank you. I know you're only 21, but I can live with it. Seven years is nothing when you think about it". I said "So despite the thing with Kelly, I've had no luck with girls... Why do we click?" Amy said "I think we want the same things. Someone to love and trust and be with, but no drama".

I had a feeling, so I asked "Did Kelly prep you before meeting me?" Amy nodded and said "Yeah, like there would be a test". Man. I exhaled and asked "When?" Amy said "Really it came out of nowhere. Yesterday". Damn. Amy said "She's been talking about you for weeks and hinted at us going out, but yesterday she just called me out of the blue, met me for lunch, and insisted we go out" I sighed but Amy said "Here's the thing Brian. It doesn't matter how or why... I'm glad she set us up. You need to figure things out with Kelly so we can get serious, but I'm glad this happened". I said "You say you want to get serious, but if Kelly talked to you then you know I haven't had much luck with girls and getting them to stay in a relationship". Amy said "I'm not those girls. I know what I feel and that there were sparks from the start. Aside from the major revelation about you and Kelly, this has been like the perfect date. I hope you know I don't go around kissing on the first date". I'm not sure why I said it but I huffed "Well, I don't go around sleeping with my stepmom, so..."

Amy shook her head and said "Let's pretend you didn't say that". I sighed and Amy said "One thing though. The me in uniform, at work, is formal and serious, so whether we go out a day, a week or a year, you have to be prepared for me on duty versus off duty". I said "Amy, I don't break the law, I don't even break the rules. I don't even drive fast. I've never had a ticket". Amy said "That's not the point. I want the whole relationship including love, affection, attention and all of it. I'm just warning you that at work, in uniform I am serious and cold, so don't get bent if I act differently. That's all I'm saying". I didn't really understand, but Amy was smart, funny, beautiful and seemed to be passionate. If there were rules about work, so be it, she was right... there were major sparks when we met, when we kissed... it was definitely there. Amy said "Wow, Kelly was right. You sort of go into your head without warning". I smiled and said "I was thinking about you if that helps". Amy smiled and said "It does. Let's head back so Kelly can grill us. She will you know?" I sighed and said "This is going to be confusing and I don't know what to do". Amy sighed and said "I have a feeling I don't really want to have this conversation... but I'm listening".

So I told Amy everything, especially how conflicted I was because until I met Amy, I thought Kelly was the girl of my dreams, the perfect female, just walking perfection. She still was and I loved her and wanted her... but along comes Amy who is equally beautiful, smart and sexy, and in so many ways, everything I am looking for in a girl, lady, woman, whatever. My dad and the affair and all that aside, how do I just turn everything off Kelly and focus on Amy? For a long moment Amy said "You better be worth all this aggravation Brian". I stared at Amy and she said "Christ Lord you come with some serious baggage". I still stared at Amy who said "Okay. Here's your incentive. I will spend time with you, hang out with you, be with you. We can hold hands and kiss and snuggle and move things forward, but until you close things off with Kelly, we're not going to be intimate". It was fair, it made sense, and I understood. I sighed and Amy said "What you need to understand is it could be tomorrow, it might be three days from now, maybe it's two weeks from today, but you are not getting any until I know for sure I'm the only one and your sole focus".

I laughed and Amy said "Honey, we left shy back there when I found out about Kelly. Normally it would take me three dates, five phone calls and a whole lot of kissing to get where you and I are 4 hours into a friendship". I tensed and Amy said "Don't. There was no hidden meaning. Relationship, friendship, whatever. You asked me out, I said yes, we're fine". I said "I spent hours and days and weeks and months thinking and hoping and wishing to be with Kelly and a miracle occurred and it happened". Amy stared at me seriously and said "I sure hope there's a point coming". I said "There is. I got what I wanted and how, and then you come along and I found out God still creates masterpieces (Amy gasped) and now I have to choose between perfect and even more so. Three days ago I wished a girl would talk to me. Now I have the two hottest women alive and have to tell one of them goodbye". Amy asked "So if Kelly wasn't married to your father?" I said "We wouldn't even be having a conversation". Amy exhaled "Wow". I stared at my feet and said "I still don't understand how or why Kelly decided to sleep with me Amy. It doesn't matter. The time I've spent with you, the feelings we felt, the passion and desire I sense. I would break up with anyone for a chance to be with you".

Amy was unreadable. I couldn't tell if she was mad or happy, sad or furious. There was no expression at all as she stared at me blankly. I exhaled slowly and waited until Amy said "So you say I'm perfect. You called me a masterpiece and said all kinds of amazing romantic things. If I invest in you, will it pay off with a life and love and respect?" I said "Absolutely. I've never had close to a conversation like this with anyone I've ever dated. Besides amazing looks, a killer body, super personality and intense chemistry, we get along and I want you. I want this and I don't care that we just met. I've never felt like this Amy... never". Amy said "I do not want to know about anything. I don't want to know. Do what you have to do with Kelly, but you and me, we, us... I want the same things. Thanks for all the compliments. Now let's go before I break all my rules and sleep with you on the first date". I grinned and Amy said "Don't push me Brian. Let me get there because I want to be there and then there will never be any regrets. Regrets destroy relationships".

We stood and Amy held me, we kissed warmly, then she asked "What would you think of me if things happened fast?" I didn't make a joke or be rude. I smiled and said "I would be happy and thankful because I know sex with a woman is a gift and a privilege". Amy seemed surprised and had no way of knowing I stole that from Kelly. Probably best she didn't know that either. We drove to my house and parked. Amy was attentive and romantic and we kissed for several minutes in the driveway. We went inside where Kelly was watching HOUSE OF CARDS and paused it, then asked "Well?" Amy said "Better than I hoped. You were right about everything". I stood there staring at Kelly and it tore me up inside. After spending time with Amy and realizing she was the one for me, 30 seconds near Kelly and I was back under her spell. This was not going to be easy. Kelly stared at me as if sizing me up then she let out a long exhale and said to Amy "You know... don't you?" Amy said "I will never say anything and I figure you know what you're doing. All I ask is let him go so I can have him". Kelly stared at me and said "It was supposed to be a secret. I was very clear on that".

I didn't make an excuse because there wasn't one.

Amy said "I'm gonna go because if he keeps flirting and saying romantic things, I'm about three kisses away from changing his life". Kelly laughed while I stared at Amy wide eyed. Kelly said "Well, we have some things to discuss. Text me later?" I just stood there as Amy said "I will". Amy took my hand and led me to the front door where we kissed softly. I relaxed and turned the kiss into a long, warm embrace until Amy pushed me gently away and said "That's two. One more kiss and I break all my rules". I blinked several times and Amy seemed to be waiting for something, but I wasn't sure what. Kelly said "Stay or go. I'm good either way, but make up your mind because Brian and I need to have a talk". I said "I'll call you later" and Amy said "You better. I expect the whole thing including calls, texts, dates, lots of kissing and plenty of attention". I grinned and said "I liked you when you were shy". Amy smiled seductively and said "Let's see how you feel when you see me in uniform tomorrow. Get through that and we can play the shy, innocent game" I was feeling bold and said "Three" then pulled Amy into a hungry kiss. She poured her body against mine and we kissed passionately until she eased back and whispered "Not yet... but soon" then just left.

I stood there with my back to the room and stared at the now closed door hoping what came next wouldn't come. Kelly was either going to rip me a new one, or break off whatever it was we had going on. Probably both. I turned to face her but the room was empty. The kitchen, dining room, living room, they were all empty. I went into my room and nothing, so I went to Kelly's room... Kelly and dad's room... where she was folding laundry and glanced at me. I said "Sorry... she just sort of guessed and I didn't know what to say". Kelly folded a t-shirt, grabbed several panties and put them in a drawer, then stood there with her hands on her hips and asked "Do you love me?" What kind of question was that?" I said "Completely" and Kelly asked "Do you trust me?" I said "Same. Completely". Kelly said "Okay" then went to a drawer and moved some stuff around then came closer to hand me poker chips. Five poker chips. I asked "What are these for?" Kelly said "Let me explain and don't interrupt". I nodded and Kelly said "For things to work with Amy, we have to stop having sex". It was like getting hit with a sledgehammer, but there it was. Kelly said "You may not think so, but I'm not mad or upset or anything that she found out about us. I am, however, ecstatic that you and Amy hit it off".

But? I knew there would be a but.

Kelly had changed clothes while Amy and I were gone. Now she had on khaki shorts, a blue tank top, and her hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Even as she spoke, Kelly started undressing and of course, I started getting hard. As she pulled off her tank top to reveal a white, lacy bra, Kelly said "I meant everything I said yesterday and today. I wanted to sleep with you, I wanted to give you the thing you most desired, and in doing so, realized your hunger and my needs were a perfect match". Amy undid her shorts and slipped them down to reveal matching lacy white panties and said "So we're going to switch things up. You have five tokens, chips, whatever you want to call them. You decide when to give me a chip, but when you do, we sneak off and have sex. We sneak off, do it, enjoy the moment, and no one knows... no one. Your father and Amy and anyone else will have no idea that we're sneaking off as long as we're smart. They have to think everything between us is done, over, finished. I need this and by doing it this way, I get the thrill I'm seeking and you get the one thing you want... me. Are you in or out?" I gasped "I'm in" and Kelly said "You start with five chips and when you show me attention, when you make me feel great, when I think you've earned one, you get another. Brian, if you think things with Amy are getting serious and want to stop, you need to talk to me so I can get my mind right".

I asked "Get your mind right?" Kelly said "So you remember the thing I refuse to talk to you about? You wanted to know why we were having sex and why you were so lucky?" I nodded and decided to strip off my polo shirt then took off my pants. Kelly looked at the bed and asked "Are you okay with this? In here?" I swallowed and Kelly grabbed her clothes, handed me mine, then took my hand and led me to my bedroom. We dropped the clothes and started kissing until she put her hands on my chest and said "Here's the truth. I wanted some excitement and you were hunting me like a deer, so I decided to sleep with you. I didn't have to talk your father into it because he approached me the other day to ask if we already were lovers". I gasped and Kelly said "Never, ever say a word to him about this. Swear it right now". I did and Kelly said "He thinks us messing around ensures you get me out of your system and keeps me from having an affair. It's mostly true, although I had no intention of having an affair. It never crossed my mind".

I pulled Kelly into a kiss and after it she said "This weekend barring whatever happens between you and Amy, there's no chips involved. I said I would sleep with you and I will. We're going to have so much sex they might make it a sport and by Monday you might be sick of seeing me naked". I laughed "I doubt it" and Kelly said "Me too". I asked "Why didn't you tell me Amy was a cop?" Kelly said "It wasn't relevant. I wanted you to meet her and see how shy she was... just like you are". I said "Well, she was. So was I... at least until she figured out about us and then every bit of ice was broken. We talked about everything including sex and her sleeping over tomorrow night". Kelly laughed "Damn Brian. You talked her into sleeping over on the second night?" I said "No. It was her idea". Kelly stared at me for a long moment then said "Well, I've known Amy for about five years. Your dad sponsored her in the police academy. You couldn't have done better than Amy". I said "I agree... except when it comes to you". Kelly sighed and said "You need to understand something. I love the attention and desire you show me, and I will sleep with you pretty much anytime and anywhere... but I will not leave your father. No amount of flirting, romance or sweet talking will make that happen".

It came out of nowhere when I said "God I want to fuck you". Kelly gasped and said "Then stop talking and do it". We kissed furiously and pulled at each other until Kelly pushed me away and stripped off her bra, yanked her panties down, then watched as I took off my underwear. We got onto my bed and kissed as we moved and shifted until I was between her legs and pressed inside her warm, wet pussy. For the fourth time I was inside Kelly and it felt like nothing else as I sank to the hilt then began to stroke fast, deep and hard. We went at it full speed and had each other panting and gasping in minutes. I drove as hard and deep as I could and Kelly pulled at me incessantly, kissed me constantly, and rocked her hips with my motions. Either I was getting better at sex and lasting longer, or I really wanted Kelly, because it felt like hours went by before my cock ached and throbbed inside her. Kelly was panting and moaning as I stroked deeper and harder as the moment drew closer.

As if scripted by the best porn writers, Kelly writhed beneath me, her hands and fingers tore at the sheets, and her body shook as she screamed through an intense orgasm just as I lost it. I exploded in a blinding climax and fought to pump everything I had into Kelly's perfect body. I thrust, stroked and pumped into Kelly until I was spent and she was sated. We lay there together quietly until Kelly blew my mind. Not that all of this wasn't mind blowing. After dreaming and wishing and hoping forever to sleep with my hot, sexy, supermodel stepmom... we were lovers. Not only did my father know but he allowed it and then comes Amy, a picture perfect, sweet, sincere and loving cop who looks like a lingerie model. With everything going on, Kelly not only wants to keep having sex in secret, but then says "You're only 21 and you've given me quite possibly the four best orgasms I've ever had in my life. We're not going to stop having sex... not now... maybe not ever".


Neither of us said anything for a while after that. We kissed, we cleaned up, we snuggled, but we didn't talk. After a good bit, Kelly kissed me softly and said "Why don't we go to sleep? I'm all yours tomorrow until Amy comes over after her shift". I had to ask, so I did, I asked Kelly "If you and Amy are good friends... why didn't it seem that way?" Kelly chuckled and asked "Really? Think about it and if it doesn't come to you, I'll tell you. Just hold me and think about it". The only thing I could think of was Amy finding out about me sleeping with Kelly and her being put off about... well... How about that? Amy must really like me if she was pissy about me sleeping with Kelly. Kelly smiled and said "It looks like you got it. Tell me what you think". I said "I think you're a mastermind and remind me never to cross you".

Kelly blinked and said "Even if you did, I would never hurt you. I would find ways to make your life suck, mark my words, but I would never hurt you". We stared at each other until Kelly sighed and said "Still. Yes I wanted you and Amy to hit it off and have been working behind the scenes to make it happen. Do you want me to be honest? Can you handle it?" I nodded and Kelly said "Do not get out of bed or try to storm off. Just listen to all of it, even the part that hurts". I exhaled slowly and asked "The part that hurts?" Kelly said "It might sting. Here's my promise. Even if you totally hate me after I tell you, I will still let you cash those chips in, even if they are angry fucks". I gasped and asked "Just how horrible is what you're going to say?"

Kelly sat up and said "I wouldn't say horrible. Look at my naked body and remember what you have wanted for a long time. Look at what you now get to play with. According to you, I'm your dream come true". I laughed and said "Seriously". Kelly said "Well, so did mine. I have watched you mature right before my eyes and there was many a time I wanted to say fuck it... and do exactly that". I gasped and Kelly said "You think you seduced me, but actually it was kind of mutual, except I've been turning up the heat for weeks, maybe months. I honestly wondered if you got the hint. I thought maybe you really were a saint". I said "That doesn't sound horrible. It's fucking hot to be honest". Kelly said "Tell me about it. Here comes the sting. Do not get mad, just hear me out". I exhaled slowly and Kelly said "Your father thinks it was his idea and I am fine with that. Here's the problem. I had reached a point where I was going to fuck you no matter who liked it, including you". That was shocking, but not horrible. Kelly said "I planned to get what I wanted a few times, set you up with one of my friends, then just turn the tap off, cut you off cold".

Okay, that was kind of horrible.

I was still processing that when Kelly said "Something clicked, and the right amount of lust, desire, feelings and satisfaction combined and now we're deep in the deep end and to Hell with my stupid plan. You want to keep fucking me, you got it, because I damn sure want to keep fucking you". Holy shit! Kelly said "This is where once and for all, you have to decide if you're in or out, because I don't care about rules, laws, society, or even right or wrong. You fucking complete me and I know damn well you want me from deep inside". I grabbed Kelly and we kissed furiously and it didn't matter how many times we had sex today... and I think it was four... We kissed furiously as she shifted and pulled me down between her legs and atop her warm, luscious body. I was consumed and had to have Kelly... and the best part was... I could. Kelly was pushing me away and gasped "Hold on... hold on..." I rolled off her and she moved to lay partially atop me and said "We can mess around, but I need you to process something". I stared into Kelly's eyes as my heart pounded, my blood boiled and my thoughts swirled. Kelly captivated me completely and I was hers, mind, body and soul.

Kelly said "Not counting the thing we did this morning, we've had sex four times already. Technically five because even though you didn't enter me, it was pretty darn close. Five times in one day honey. If we do it right now that's it. I am not going to be the reason you end up in the hospital. I said we could have a lot of sex, but there has to be limits, especially once you and Amy get serious". I stared into Kelly's eyes and she said "Women know. The one time your father messed around on me, I knew right away. He told me the truth, we got past it, life is good". I gasped and grabbed Kelly's arms and asked "What? When?" Kelly blinked and said "Last year when he flew to Atlanta with Vicky". I was processing it when Kelly said "Don't. You and me, this thing with us has nothing to do with that. It happened, I forgave him, and it's over. The only reason I mention it is once you and Amy start having sex, she will know if you're sleeping with me". I didn't understand and asked "How?" Kelly said "The only way to explain it is to have you think about two days ago and how every thought of me consumed you". I nodded and Kelly said "Now... Now that we're lovers and you've seen me naked more than my doctor, things are different. Honey, if you sleep with me, Amy will know, you just have to trust me".

I went slack and lay there staring past Kelly at the ceiling. Dad had an affair... on Kelly? It didn't make sense. Why throw away prime rib for... for... anything really. I was so distraught that I couldn't think straight and there was still Amy to think about. Maybe it was because I'm 21, maybe it was selfishness, who knows. Why couldn't I be with Amy and still sleep with Kelly? Kelly read my mind and said "The last two days I have had to make some decisions I would never make. If you really want to be with Amy and sleep with me, I have an idea, but you have to be willing to gamble. Think about it and decide tomorrow and if you want to take a serious chance, I will tell you what to do and say. Only you can decide. I'm selfish at this point and get you either way, but if you can live with the outcome, I can help you". Kelly moved atop me and felt between us until she put me inside her and I sighed as she moaned. Neither of us moved as she stared into my eyes and said "No matter what, from this moment on, you and me... we are lovers and I will lie, cheat and steal to keep it that way. End of discussion!"

The next morning my phone rang and I stared at the blurry numbers on the clock. They said 7:41am but that didn't make sense. Who would call me this early? It was Sunday, so it wasn't work. Dad was on his trip and Kelly was in bed beside me stirring but still asleep. I fumbled and grabbed my phone, slid to answer and mumbled "Hello?" Amy said "Gee, sorry, did I wake you?" I blinked trying to clear my thoughts and she asked "I guess you forgot about me?" Huh? I stared at the ceiling and Amy said "I'm about two seconds away from hanging up and never calling back. You said you weren't this kind of guy". I said "Amy. You startled me awake and I just need a second. I was processing some shocking info last night and fell asleep. Nothing sneaky or sinister, just shocking news about my dad and Kelly". Amy was quiet and finally asked "Is everyone alright?" I said "Yeah, I just... my dad was devastated when my mom cheated on him, so why would he do it to Kelly?" From beside me Kelly gasped and her warm hand touched my arm as Amy said "Oh my God. I didn't know. I'm sorry Brian. Forget that I was even mad. As soon as I'm done with roll call, I'm coming by to see you. Just remember that I said that the me in uniform is different and not to get upset".

Before I could answer Kelly snatched my phone from me and said "Amy, it's me. He was not supposed to tell anyone that and you better forget you know it". Kelly was rumpled and naked and still looked hot as fuck, but the glare she gave me told me I wasn't going to be getting anything. She nodded and said "I believe you, just forget you heard anything. Here's dumb ass" and she dropped my phone then said "See if I trust you again" as she whipped the sheet off and stormed out of my room still naked. I picked up my phone and said "I'll get dressed and meet you on the porch". Amy said " Wait... were you and Kelly in bed together?" Amy exhaled loudly then said "Forget it. No. I mean, get dressed. I'll knock and you can let me in. Just trust me" and she hung up. I went to the bathroom, peed, washed up, then brushed my teeth and hair. I put on underwear, shorts and a t-shirt and saw that Kelly's door was shut and sighed. I knocked and she growled "What?" I opened the door and she was standing by her dresser still naked and glared at me. I said "I swear I am so sorry Kelly. I was tired and despite everything, that whole thing about dad and Vicky kept me awake last night". Kelly stared a hole through me and said "Go away and let me cool down and when I do we can talk about it. I'm really pissed right now and we can discuss why after Amy leaves. Close my door please?"

I went to the kitchen and toasted a Pop Tart and ate it with some juice until there was a knock on the front door. After all the shocks and surprises the last two days, and there have been plenty of them, nothing prepared me for what I opened the door to. Amy, my girlfriend was maybe 120 pounds fully dressed with her pockets full. She was tall, trim, athletic and hot, had long hair and was just beautiful. Amy in full uniform with a gun and a belt full of who knows what was... different. She didn't seem as tall or athletic or pretty, her hair was done in a tight bun, she had no makeup on, and looked serious and scary. Amy stepped past me and waited inside the door as I stared at her for a long moment. She waited and I said "Wow" then she said "I warned you. If you had seen me like this first, we would have never gone out, never kissed, nothing". I said "It's not that. I know it's you and I am still happy, it's just... wow... you're a cop. You're a cop". Amy gave me an evil smile and said "You need to remember that when you piss me off or lie to me or do anything I don't like". I gasped and Amy smiled then said "I'm really good with my handcuffs". I grinned and Amy was smiling at me when Kelly came into the room wearing pink leggings, a t-shirt and socks.

Kelly looked at Amy and said "I'm in a bad mood so now's as good a time as any to get this out of the way. If... if I decide to forgive him for breaking my trust... it won't change anything. Whatever he and I had, ended last night. It might have ended properly this morning but after he broke my trust, I just..." Kelly exhaled and said "My point is, he's yours and even though I don't like him very much at the moment, I want you to promise me that you'll love him because he's one of a kind". Amy gasped, so did I, and Kelly said "That doesn't get you out of your promise. As soon as Amy leaves you have to exercise with me and whether Amy is around or not, we're going to exercise every day. A promise is a promise". Holy shit. That meant... I moved to stand beside Amy and like I hoped she faced me. Kelly was behind her and broke the angry facade and smiled at me, then put her angry face on and said "Until I say otherwise, we work out and exercise every day, Are we clear?" Amy had no idea what was really going on and said "You are going to exercise with your stepmom everyday like you promised. You hear me?" I nodded and Kelly said "Alright then. Amy, be good to him, he's a great guy, even if he can't seem to keep a secret".

Kelly walked off and Amy said "Try to ignore the uniform and belt and pay attention to me. It sucks that I can see you're put off by this side of me". Despite all the gear and equipment on her belt, we hugged and then kissed. Amy seemed excited and I asked "How long would it take you to get all of that off?" Amy blinked and asked "Are you serious? What if I get a call?" I blinked and said "I was joking. Would you really do that?" Amy said "I'm not sure. I get confused around you and think things I normally don't think". I grinned and Amy said "Stop. You make me feel naughty and I'm nice". I grinned even more and said "You can make it up to me tonight. We'll sleep naked". Amy blushed bright red and asked "Are you for real? Aren't you even gonna try to be romantic or earn it? You just want to get right to it?" I shook my head, held up my hands, and stepped back. Amy seemed upset and I said "Amy, I swear it was lousy humor and not who I am. I didn't even realize what I was saying until I said it. I apologize". Amy was staring at me and said "I want you to think about something. Forget this uniform and all the drama with Kelly. If sex is what you want from me, then show me why I should give it to you. I'm not asking for flowers or limo rides or skywriting. Just remember to call me when you say you're going to".

Amy brushed past me and stopped at the door then said with her back to me "If you want to find out what I want and what I'm willing to do, be there. Keep your promises, pay attention to me, and be romantic". Amy whirled and said "I can have sex with anyone. I want love and I was hoping to get it from you" and then she just left. Wow! I hurried outside and saw Amy about to get into a police car with her partner, a tall, muscular black man who looked like a Hollywood actor. Seriously. I called her name and she stopped, said something to her partner, then walked back to the sidewalk and waited for me. Her partner got into the car and I ran up to Amy and said "I'm sorry for everything and I'm not sorry for having feelings and desires when it comes to you". Amy blinked and said "That's a very strange apology". I said "I don't get us. I can't talk to women. I freeze up and get nervous but when I'm around you I have courage and can think. I mean, I'm excited and really like you, but I can think". Amy said "This is the way to get what we want. This right here". I blinked and asked "We?" Amy said "We. We both want things. Most of them are the same things. Let's work together and see what happens. I asked you to end things with Kelly and how you did it doesn't matter. You did, so now when I sleep over tonight, assuming you remember who I am today, you might get lucky. Now go inside before I arrest you". I laughed and asked "For what?"

Amy pushed me away from her, said "I'll think of something" then got into her police car and drove away. I went inside and Kelly was sitting at the kitchen table eating an orange and scrolling her tablet. She said "Do not share any more secrets or we won't have any. Why would you tell Amy about your father and Vicky?" I said "As strange as this sounds, she's my girlfriend and I wanted someone to talk to. Infidelity bothers me. Mom cheated on dad, dad cheated on you. I don't like cheaters". Kelly stared at me until I asked "What?" Kelly shook her head, set her tablet down, then asked "Why is it okay for us to do it?" I shrugged and said "I don't know. It doesn't feel like cheating. Yesterday when dad saw you naked in my bed, it was like he was okay with it. I don't know how to explain it". Kelly froze. She stared at me wide eyed and asked "He what? Say that again". I said "You were sound asleep but your robe had come open and dad just joked that you're proud of your body and only wear clothes around here because of me". Kelly blinked several times, exhaled, then said "It's true. I'm an exhibitionist and if you weren't here, I would probably be naked". I grinned and said "Damn". Kelly smiled and said "So this morning started out shitty. Let's fix that. Want to exercise?"

I stared at Kelly and took a chance, a chance that I might offend her or upset her. I said "No. I want to fuck you. That's what I want". Kelly smiled slowly, but she smiled and said "Good to see I'm helping you with your confidence. Well, since you want to fuck me, anything else you want?" I got bold and said "I think you should undress right now and I want to fuck you right here, right now". Kelly smiled as she stood, stripped off her t-shirt and said "You talk a big game, but you're still dressed". By the time she struggled her white sports bra off, I was naked and Kelly said "Well alright" then wriggled her leggings down and off her legs. I was about to grab Kelly but she put both her hands on my chest and said "If you want to fuck me like the slut you wish I was, that's fine, but after lunch, you will make love to me on a bed, understand?" I nodded and then said "I don't think you're a slut". Kelly smiled and said "Maybe not, but you wish I was, just admit it". I was staring at Kelly and she asked "Do you want to see how slutty I can act?" I nodded several times and Kelly said "Okay. After this I will be as slutty as possible and see how much you can take. Now stop talking, and fuck me".

I pushed Kelly against the table and plowed inside her causing her to moan as I sank all the way into her. We went right at it and fucked like horny teenagers right there in the kitchen against the table. It was moving so much that Kelly said "I'm going to wrap my legs around you. Carry me to the couch". For the first time in my life, I fucked while moving to another room and it was exciting. We fell onto the couch and Kelly said "Screw the games. Just fuck me". We went at it full tilt and I stroked as deep and hard as I could. We kissed furiously, Kelly's hands were all over me, and we were both breathing deeply. I lost track of time and everything seemed blurry as I got closer and my entire body felt warm and tingly. I was pounding Kelly and she gasped "Fuck me. Really fuck me like you can't get enough". I went berserk and tore into Kelly and everything went red and hazy. It seemed like we fucked for hours and all I know is when I came, it felt like my entire body exploded. I pumped and pumped and pumped into Kelly until I was spent and she held me and gasped "My best orgasm ever. God I love you". We kissed but I was breathless so I lay atop Kelly just hoping to breathe and think.

After several minutes we cleaned up, grabbed all our clothes, then went to my shower and took a long, hot one. Kelly said "I want you to help me with the laundry and a couple of things. We can do the slutty thing later, I want to try something else. You still trust me right?" I said "More than ever". Kelly smiled, kissed my lips, then said "You do realize we're really, really deep into this at this point". I said "Just promise me dad and Amy won't get hurt". Kelly sighed and said "If you keep listening to me and stop running your mouth, everyone will get what they want. No more mistakes and I mean it". I nodded and Kelly said "So we're going to get dressed and get some stuff done around here, but instead of making out and heading to a bedroom, I want you to take me when the urge comes over you". I gasped "What?" Kelly said "Stop talking to me about having sex, stop waiting for permission. The next time you want to have sex, the only way you get it is if you take it". I rinsed off and said "Deal" and Kelly smiled then said "I'm glad you agree" and slapped my bare ass then started drying off. I was staring at Kelly drying off and for the millionth time it struck me how she was just literally the perfect female in pretty much every way.

She hung her towel up and started brushing her hair and I realized I was hard and went past her into my bedroom. Kelly saw I was hard but just smiled innocently then came out of my bathroom saying "So I'm going to go get dressed". I moved closer and she glanced down at my cock then smiled at me. I scooped Kelly up, carried her to my bed, put her down and climbed on the bed and then on top of her. Kelly parted her legs and purred "Already?" I smiled and said "I could fuck you all day". Kelly sighed and said "That sounds good to me" and pulled me into a kiss. This time we made love and even though we had sex less than an hour ago, I stroked slow and deep into Kelly regardless of if I could finish or not. We were making love and Kelly surprised me and said "This doesn't count, just so you know. I want us to be doing whatever and then have the mood strike you. Grabbing me when we're already naked doesn't teach you anything. It's just hot sex". There it was again. Teach me. She really thought she was teaching me things? I mean, I'm not complaining because so far, it has all been awesome. But to what end? She already set me up with Amy and we went from hesitant sex to passionate lovers. What else could she have to teach me?

When I found out, it startled me... you'll see.

I stroked slow, deep and hard into Kelly's perfect body and she kissed me, slid her hands all over my body, and moved her hips right along with me. We made love for a while and the pressure was building. It was going to be intense and that's saying something considering the last 6 times have been incredible. Kelly was moaning and writhing beneath me as I gritted my teeth to prolong the pleasure. My cock ached because I wanted to cum... I needed to cum... but I also wanted this moment to last. Kelly shifted beneath me and parted her legs wider, granting me deeper access to her inner sanctum. I stroked as deep as I could reach and Kelly was moaning and gasping as we crested together and then everything exploded in a flash of colors and sound. I went numb as I spurted inside Kelly and she bucked beneath me. Her orgasm shook her entire body and I fought to keep pumping until I finished and then held her as we cooled down in silence. After a while we kissed then Kelly stared into my eyes and said "Now we need to teach you something new. You need to learn how to channel your passion. You want me and you show it, but sometimes I don't want to be loved. I want to be fucked".

Kelly stared deep into my eyes and then changed our relationship forever when she said "I want you to lose your mind, lose control, rip my clothes off, push me against something, drag me to a bed, and just fuck me like the slut I really am".


NOW... new content to bridge to all new part 6


Maybe I was in a sexual haze, maybe I was dazed, but the next hour went by slowly and fast. I know that doesn't make sense but there's no other way to describe it. Kelly and I took another shower, this one an almost silent, no touching shower. I was so shocked that I was stunned.

Rip her clothes off?

Fuck her like a slut?

Haven't I been pretty clear that to me Kelly is nice, sweet, and wholesome? I'm not dumb or clueless, I get that most women act appropriate but think sexually. Still, surprised, shocked and/or stunned just don't seem to cover it. Must be Kelly was teaching me something because after we dried off, she just kissed me, touched my face, then picked up her clothes and left my bedroom. I laid there in underwear, shorts and a t-shirt until I almost fell asleep and realized I was hungry.

In the kitchen there was a note that said "Don't overthink everything honey. Relax and play your game or watch some tv. I'll be back from the store before you know it". I sighed, ate some chips, drank some soda, then stared at the Xbox dashboard for who knows how long. My phone rang, it was Amy, and I stared at it until it stopped ringing then started again. I said "Hello" and Amy said "So listen, I realize I said I didn't want to know anything that goes on with you and Kelly". I waited in silence until Amy said "Come let me in". I sighed "The door is probably unlocked". I was still sitting there looking at the timed out screen when Amy stood near me and said "It's not easy for me to sit in all this, so come kiss me and give me a hug". I stared at Amy in all her police gear and sighed. Amy made a face then said "You're not even trying Brian. What is wrong with you?" I looked at Amy and asked "Why would Kelly ask me to push her up against something? Ask me to tear her clothes? Why would she ask me to fuck her like a slut? I don't understand".

Amy exhaled, said something about going ‘code something' into her radio, then said "You better baby me and spoil me rotten when I get off work". I stared at Amy, sighed, then said "I plan to treat you so well that Queens and Princesses will get jealous". Amy blinked several times, exhaled slowly, took my hand, pulled until I stood, then asked me "Do you realize we're all sorts of backwards, sideways and out of order in this relationship?" I said "No, I mean yes". Amy held me then asked "You know how when you're with Kelly you find the courage and strength to say things and do things you normally wouldn't with girls?" I nodded and then said "Yes". Amy said "Well that's me in this uniform". I sort of understood... I think. Amy said "Brian, I can't speak for other women, but what I read, what I hear and what I know is women have to live up to a double standard. We have to be polite and proper and look nice, dress nice, be nice".

I eased back and looked at Amy.

Even with red, moist eyes, I could see how beautiful she was. Even in her scary uniform. I said "I'm sorry" and Amy said "Thank you". She exhaled then said "You blew me off again, didn't call or text, ignored me, and it irritated me at first, then it made me jealous, finally I realized I want your attention". I swallowed and said "For some reason I have courage with you Amy. I have wanted to be with Kelly since I can remember. Everything about her consumes me and not just her body and looks". Amy sighed, let go of me, and just stood there staring at me expressionless. I said "The problem is, now I think... maybe I know... the lust and sex between me and Kelly is off the charts and it's confusing because I don't even care about having sex with you, I just want to be with you". Amy huffed, stared at me with crazy eyes, almost glaring, then relaxed, exhaled, and asked "So now what?" I said "One thing you will find out is I don't lie. I can't and I won't". Amy said "I've heard". I blinked and Amy sighed "Your father talks about you with reverence and like I said yesterday, Kelly talks about you like she wants to sleep with you".

Well, the ship definitely sailed on the sleeping with me part.

I touched Amy's hand, took it, led her to the dining room table, then asked "Can you sit here?" She nodded and said "It's no different than most restaurants". We sat and I asked "Will you do something for me?" Amy stared at me, exhaled slowly, sighed, then said "Yes". I asked "Help me figure this all out. I am trying to chill with Kelly, and I'm not supposed to tell anyone this, but she just wants the sex". Amy gasped and I shook my head then asked "If I can't be with her but she still wants to, what should I do?" Amy laughed "Are you asking as a guy, as my boyfriend, or as a guy?" I blinked "Uhhh... those are only two choices". Amy shrugged "What can I say? You make me crazy with this mess you dragged me into". I stared into Amy's pretty eyes and said "I want to be with you. Mentally, emotionally and physically. Kelly says sex will happen if I treat you right and I think you said the same thing yesterday, or today, or maybe I imagined it. I'm so confused right now".

Amy stared at me for several long seconds, maybe a minute, then said "Brian, I can help you, I can tell you what to do, I can even encourage you to do it, but you won't like my suggestion". I asked "Would it mean being with you?" Amy smiled at me, put her hand on top of mine, then said "Yes, but in order to be with me and get what you want, you have to stop sleeping with Kelly". I blinked then Amy shocked me to my core when she said "Brian, in order to sleep with me and all that comes with that, you have to stop sleeping with your father's wife".

... to be continued in all new part 6.

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