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Office Partythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2715 words)

Author: xchief
Added: Mar 06 2001Views / Reads: 8655 / 7036 [81%]Story vote: 8.73 (11 votes)
My wife cheats on me at a party for the folks at her office.

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It was a beautiful spring weekend, and my wife Susan and I had been invited to a party for the people where she works. She is employed as a receptionist for a local health club, plus she is an aerobics instructor, and is in fantastic physical condition. The party was to be at a local bar/restaurant known for their great food and drinks. I was going to attend with her, but my knee went out on me and I had to back off (this happens frequently and I will soon have surgery). I urged her to go without me, and after some hesitancy on her part, she finally agreed, leaving the house at about 6:30.

At about 11:00 she called me and said that some of the folks were going to another party at a friend’s house and they had invited her to come along. Since it was still early, did I mind if she went. I told her that she should have a good time and drive carefully. Once I hung up, for some reason, I felt funny about this. As soon as I hung up the phone, I put my knee brace on and drove as quickly as possible to the restaurant. When I got there, Susan’s car was still in the lot. A few minutes later, she and another woman came out and got in her car and drove away. I decided to follow just to see where and what would happen.

About 20 minutes later they were in a ritzy neighborhood where I couldn’t afford the garages, let alone the homes. She drove through a gate into what appeared to be an estate surrounded by woods. I parked on a side street and ducked into some brush, sneaking through the woods ...

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