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Summer of 73, Seduced by my Sister in Law (fm:older women/men, 4111 words)

Author: MagpieAmy69
Added: Jan 12 2025Views / Reads: 1005 / 846 [84%]Story vote: 9.92 (13 votes)
A tall teenage virgin is teased and seduced by his sexy diminutive sister in law

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I'm not sure where or when my story actually started; it could have been in the summer of 1973 when I was baby-sitting my brothers young son two nights a week when I was 18; or possibly in 1968 when my eldest brother George brought Linda, his pregnant bride to be home to meet my family for the first time and an instant crush hit my like a lightning rod.

I'm Rod and in 1973 I was 18, lanky and skinny with a mop of dark curly hair and revising for my A-Levels which I would eventually 'ace' and get into a top university. Today I would be called a 'geek' or 'nerd' but back then I was more or less invisible at school as I was top or top 3 in the Academic stream, specialising in Maths, Chemistry and Physics, which came naturally to me.

Apart from my school work I had two hobbies, my racing bike which I used every single day and would regularly go on solo rides of 50/60 miles or more every Saturday, Sunday and holidays too. The other hobby was copious masturbation .... sometimes twice a day. I'd had two girlfriends of sorts in the preceding year, but never got further than groping their tits a couple of times.

I'd been baby sitting for two years every Saturday night when my brother and his wife would dress up to the 9's to go out to the local working men's club with friends and roll back drunk at 11ish or sometimes later if they had been to friends house.

My nephew was great and no bother going to bed by 7.30 which left me an hour or two to do my homework or revision, then a couple of hours for me to go through my sister in law's knicker drawer and wash basket, where I'd use her sexy knickers and bras to rub over my cock and face while knocking out one or two breathtaking loads, then carefully putting them back so as not to alert her suspicions.

My brother George had been in the navy for the first half of my childhood, so I barely knew him as he would return from some exotic posting every six months or so with gifts for my other brother and me.

In 1967 he left the navy and got a job in an iron and steel company two towns away, and a couple of months later broke my mum's heart by announcing his 17 year old girlfriend was pregnant. At my age I wasn't aware of all the machinations involved; but I instantly fell in love with the 5ft nothing Linda on that first visit ... her blonde hair was in a fashionable beehive and she was wearing a short blue mini-dress and lots of make-up and she had the most amazing eyelashes, as like my brother she was a Mod.

As my mother feared it wasn't love's young dream, but they hung on in there, making the best of the situation as in those days divorce hadn't been invented in our town.

Early in '73 my baby-sitting duties began to include two out of three Wednesdays when Linda would go to the bingo with a friend, while my brother either worked 2-10pm or night-shift. On these nights Linda would come back at about 10 pm a bit squishy after taking a couple of drinks in a local pub afterwards. Linda and I were good friends by this time, sharing a love of music, especially Soul and Motown and she obviously knew that I had a crush on her, and teased me unmercifully on her return, 'accidentally' letting me get glimpses of her bra and boobage or up her short skirts. Sometimes I'd stare to long and she would giggle while wagging a finger making me blush.

It was very difficult riding my racing bike the 6 miles home with an erection, I can tell you!

When the summer arrived I was invited to join them on a caravan holiday at a local seaside resort. While it was good to get away, it was apparent my job was to look after my nephew for six nights while they, or at least my brother got hammered in the entertainment centre at night.

The weather wasn't great on Monday so we went on a walk along the cliff top to a pub in the next village, where they bickered about the amount my brother drank; especially as he planned going to the entertainment centre on the evening too.

He was well lubricated when we got back to the caravan and after a sleep

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