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You GLOW GIRL 5 (fm:exhibitionism, 6712 words) [5/5] show all parts

Author: jwdoney
Added: Jan 25 2025Views / Reads: 574 / 323 [56%]Part vote: 9.83 (6 votes)
GLOW GIRL blasts back into action with all new content. Still figuring things out, she's hornier than ever, easily excited, and opening her heart to Brandon, at least until a gun deal goes wrong and then a mandatory check-up as Amy goes way wrong.

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softly and said "Don't be crude Amy. It's not who you are." See what I mean? How can you hate Michelle just because she's perfect and hot and sexy and... Michelle touched my face and said "I sure would like to know what you're thinking about."

I glanced at Brandon who was holding the bag that was holding my new phone... I think... and asked "How will this affect us and all the feelings you supposedly have for me?" In complete unison, Brandon and Michelle said at the same time "It's not supposedly..." and then Michelle blushed and held my hand as Brandon said "You can keep on about that all you want Amy, but no matter how much you doubt or second guess me, I wanted you, I want you, and I love you." Michelle sighed and I stared at her and asked "Why are you sighing?" Michelle sighed again then said "Because... we went at it like rabbits and there was some serious chemistry, but he was so into you I wonder if he actually saw me?" I said "Ewww..." but Brandon said "I like you Michelle, but Amy is everything to me, even if she doesn't feel the same way about me." I huffed "Now hold on. I never said I didn't or wouldn't feel that way. In case you forgot, I barely became a superhero yesterday and mostly all we've done is fuck since." Brandon blinked and Michelle said "The first thing we need to do is get you a filter or one outburst like that and everyone will know GLOW GIRL is Amy." Brandon was staring at me and looked hurt, Michelle was so sweet I wanted to pour her on my pancakes, and I was just feeling pissy for no reason and for every reason.

I closed my eyes and tried to will my glowing aura form or whatever it was called and when Michelle gasped "Wow" I knew I had done it. I asked "Can you tell it's me?" Michelle touched me then said "No. Not even a little. I know it's you but I can't tell at all." I floated around and said to Brandon "Stop hanging on my every word and realize I chose you. I said yes before the whole electric chemical fire explosion thing." Brandon said "I know, but you don't have to keep putting yourself down and you really need to stop doubting me." Michelle gasped "Even your voice is different, deeper maybe?" I thought about not glowing and several seconds later I wasn't.

Was it really that simple?

I knew I could teleport short and long distances, and unlike erotic comics and cheesy flicks, my clothes didn't disappear. I could conduct electricity, fly, seemed to be super strong and possibly invulnerable, could blast energy and probably some other things I might have forgotten. I also got hornier by the second as I did any or all of those things. Michelle was giddy as she stared intently at me and I said "If you're about to attack me, wait until we get inside." Michelle looked around at the trees and not much else and I said "There's probably no one around for miles, but I am who I am."

Brandon seemed confused and asked "Then why did we do it outside twice... or was it three times?" I shrugged and said "Twice I think." Michelle said "I'm not going to jump you, but if you keep being you, the three of us are about to have an epic threesome." Brandon sighed and I felt a warm chill spread across my body. I pushed Brandon and pulled Michelle inside and when the door was shut I asked "Before this turns into a porn set, what happened at the blast site?" Michelle said "The EPA and FBI were there when Wayne made me clock off and go home. Last I heard, they think it was a terrorist attack and are wondering how the two of you survived." I gasped, Brandon sat down and held my hand, and Michelle said "I lied and said the two of you were at Brandon's vehicle discussing reporting your relationship when the building exploded." Brandon looked at me and I asked "So literally no one knows about me?" Michelle grinned and said "It sucks that I missed your naked orgasm stunt, but the workers are all convinced they imagined it. Teleporting in and out actually helped more than it hurt." Brandon asked, "Naked orgasm stunt?"

I sighed "I told you about that... didn't I?"

Michelle said "Just to clear the air, I would never blackmail you Amy. I know what I know and I want to be a part of things, including things with you two." I gasped "But how? Brandon can barely keep up with me and if we add you, he might end up in the hospital." Brandon grinned and it made me smile as Michelle asked "Why overthink it? Who cares what people would think because we would keep it a secret just like your identity." I sighed as Michelle poured herself against Brandon and added "Besides, getting a little now and then is a fair trade off for me being your confidant and assistant."

I ignored the sharing Brandon crack and asked "Assistant?"

Michelle said "If you think you can do this all by yourself, go ahead." I huffed as Michelle moved away from Brandon and said "Okay. I get it. I know when I'm not wanted" and then at the door she said "Good luck explaining when Amy disappears and GLOW GIRL shows up somewhere. Brandon can't be everywhere at once." Michelle left and I stood there with my heart racing as Brandon said "I didn't know about this Amy. I didn't put her up to it, and I'm not saying I want to sleep with her... but it could work."

I said "If I do this, the first time you walk past me to get to her, I'll teleport you to the moon and leave you there." Brandon gasped, blinked, then asked "I thought you couldn't teleport me?" I growled "I'll find a way" then ported outside to find Michelle sitting in the grass by her car staring into the trees. She smiled at me sadly and said "I just wanted to..." I said "I get it. I'm a bitch" but Michelle stood and said "But you're not. You don't get it Amy. I'm so hot, blah blah blah. Hundreds of guys have told me how hot I am so they could sleep with me and then they dipped." I gasped "Hundreds?" Michelle blushed and muttered "More like 20." I gasped again "20? You slept with 20 guys?" "I mean, I did technically sleep with 7 guys on the football team, and my count was closer to 30, but it's not my fault guys dumped me after they got laid."


Michelle looked up and right as she counted on her fingers then said "Uh, 23 I think." I gasped a third time as Michelle blushed and said "My point was no matter what I said or did with Brandon, it was all about you." I blinked rapidly and Michelle said "That could have come out better." Brandon, who must have come out during the talk, said "I'm over this Amy. Stop with all of this and accept that I love you and want to be with you." I exhaled and said "I do Brandon, but putting aside GLOW GIRL and sharing you with Michelle, I just think..."

Michelle said "Sorry. Maybe I wasn't clear... I want you Amy... not Brandon."

There was silence until Michelle said "I mean, I'll fuck Brandon all day and then some, but I tracked you guys out here for you Amy. I've liked you for a while, and that was before the super makeover. Now... I fucking want you." I gasped and asked "You're bi?" Michelle blushed then said "I'm whatever" then she looked at Brandon and asked "Forget superhot standing here and be honest... did you enjoy it? With me?" Brandon glanced at me, exhaled, then said "Every second." I sighed and said "My brain can't deal with anything else so I'm saying yes... but on one condition." Michelle tried to kiss me and I was fending her off when I said "If either of you betray me, I will become a super villain." Brandon shook his head and Michelle gasped but I had the last say as I flew straight up and let off my frustration in a combination blast of electricity and energy. I flew back to stand near Brandon and Michelle who both said "Wow." The good news was the spandex held up through the blast. I was still clothed! The bad news was I was mind numbingly and blindingly horny. I didn't even resist when Michelle poured against me and kissed me hungrily. I gasped "If the two of you want me... come take me..." and teleported into the bedroom.

I was still glowing and super aroused as I peeled off the spandex and waited naked until Michelle and Brandon rushed into the bedroom.

Two days later and a whole lot of sex better, Michelle had to return to work even though she had somehow managed to get Brandon and I an additional two days off together. It had been a week since the lightning chemical explosion that gave me my powers and while I had pretty much explored my capabilities, I had one nagging question. After scorching sex that exhausted us, Brandon and I were laying naked and sweaty on the bed when I asked him again... for maybe the 13th time... "Are you sure?" Brandon held me, kissed me softly, then said "It's the only way to be sure baby." I sighed and said "I'm like super horny without using a single power babe, you know now that when I do, we fuck like rabbits. If I do this... if we do this... you could end up in the hospital." Brandon was grinning and I sighed then said "Fine. Let's get dressed and try it." We took a quick shower, Brandon made me drink two glasses of orange juice, he got dressed while I stayed naked so I wouldn't shred more clothes, then we stood in the clearing staring at each other. It was a clearing because Brandon and Michelle had pushed me to smash trees, uproot them, electrocute them, blast them, and pretty much every possible version of treeicide.

I realize that's not a word, just deal with it.

So the plan was for me to go all out final boss battle style to see if there was a limit or cap to my abilities. So far other than sex with Brandon... and Michelle... nothing had even come close to exhausting me. I had incredible stamina... just ask Brandon or Michelle. Brandon held me, we hugged, he kissed me warmly, then he stared into my eyes and said "You've gotten great at controlling everything, but you need to just let loose as if fighting Dr. Doom, Magneto, or Thanos himself." I sighed and said "I love you 3000" and Brandon kissed my lips and said "No, I love you 3000." Brandon kissed me once more, smiled at me, made a point of studying my naked body, then hurried to the cabin and went inside. That guy. He spends 70 percent of our day with me naked and still stares at me like I'm a work of art. I sighed, closed my eyes, then just let loose. I gave it everything I had in a nearly constant wave of energy blasts, jolts of electricity and whatever else, culminating in a final flash that numbed me and left me breathless.

I opened my eyes and realized I was in Chicago... or maybe Detroit.

I think it was Detroit. Fuck.

It gets better.

I was triple dose, around the bend, fuck me right now horny... aroused far past my limits... and I had appeared literally in the middle of a gun deal inside some dark, dank warehouse. The man closest to me gasped "Holy fuck she's naked" and then he dropped his rifle to squeeze my boob. I saw stars and maybe moons, my knees got weak, I half shouted, half wined "Drop your guns" but another hand rubbed my ass and it felt like everything was spinning. I was so dizzy I could barely see and so horny that I couldn't think, and then hands were all over my body. They touched, rubbed and poked me all over and then there were cocks everywhere. I think I was able to keep my glow going and that probably explains why the orgy went on forever. I'm not proud of getting fucked by 6 or 7 guys at once... or was it 8? There was a hard dick inside me, another jammed into my ass, yet another in my mouth and one in each hand. I'm not entirely sure, but I think maybe there was a cock in my ear, but I can't be certain.

There were no lines, no waiting, I was definitely today's special.

I lost count at my fifth and then at my twelfth orgasm, I had so much cum inside me I wouldn't need lunch or dinner, and I hadn't even had breakfast yet. The men kept grabbing, rubbing, poking and fucking me and I was powerless to stop them. It was like my orgasms were stacked like dominos and the crooks were just taking turns knocking another down. I lost track of time, space and reason... as well as my pride and modesty. The only thing I had going for me was that the longer they fucked me, the easier it was to keep my glow up and stay in disguise. Which also meant I kept my arousal meter pegged way past the red! I had several orgasms and it felt like there was cum everywhere in me and on me, so when I finally had enough, I focused a blast wave, then ignored my blinding arousal and somehow managed to tie all of them up.


I stopped a gun deal and got fucked like a pornstar in the process.

Still naked, still horny after getting fucked like a blow up doll, I found a police car nearby and told them where to find the crooks and guns. The cops just stared until one of them asked "Are... are you naked?" I said "Thank you for your service" and tried to focus as I teleported back to my grandfather's cabin.

Except I didn't.

I landed in the lake with a splash and the cold water shocked me back to reality. Well, at least most of the cum was washed off my body now. I swam for a bit then sighed and flew until I landed near the cabin and stood there. Still horny, humiliated, and wondering what I was going to tell Brandon.

That's when the impossible... the implausible happened.

Brandon fucked me like never before after hearing about my gangbang.

We were laying there after epic, life changing sex when he said "What happens while you're fighting crime has nothing to do with our relationship."

Fighting crime?

Was this how it starts?

In the shower Brandon was talking and I finally had to exhale, hold him, then say "Don't be mad, but I wasn't listening. I need to talk to you about something and I'm worried you're not going to like it." Brandon washed my back until I exhaled "To you I'm really all that, huh?" He smiled then said "You were all that to me even before you became all this." I closed my eyes because Brandon had a PHD in insulting me while complimenting me. I turned to face him, touched his face, then said "You have to swear to me that the downside to all this super stuff won't cause you to leave me." Brandon blinked then asked "That you're horny all the time?"

I shook my head and asked "Do you even try not to insult me?"

Brandon kissed me softly then said "All the guys who came before me blew it Amy. I have nothing but love for you." I huffed "All the guys who came before you? Was that a sex crack? How many girls have you slept with?" Brandon didn't even pause to think when he said "Three, including you and Michelle." I blinked rapidly. Three? Just three. We were out of the shower and drying off when Brandon kissed me and asked "Come have lunch with me so we can clear the air on some stuff and then I have a serious question for you." I sighed "Yes, I'll marry you if you promise to stop insulting me."

Like a tree in the forest, Brandon just dropped without a word.

I sat on the floor, shifted his head to my lap, and held him until his eyes opened and he sighed "To me you are a Goddess, perfect in so many ways, and that's not counting your looks, body and so many amazing things. I'm sorry for not wording things better Amy, but if you stop and think, I asked you out like 10 times over the span of a year, four of those times just this last month. GLOW GIRL or not, I like you and want you. I want to be with you." I sighed "I love you too Brandon. I'm sorry for all my drama and hangups."

Brandon sat up, smiled at me, grinned, and I blushed because I didn't know what, but something was coming. He said "Anytime you're sharp or short with me, all I have to do is look at your beautiful face, your pretty eyes, your fit, buff, perfect body, and I forget whatever sting or burn you gave me." I blinked. Okay, that was mostly sweet, just a tiny bit harsh, then Brandon added "Besides. Between your newfound exhibitionism and your awesome sluttiness, I'm the luckiest guy on the planet."

And... there it was.

I sighed.

We stood, kissed, hugged, then got dressed. We were in the kitchen making sandwiches when Brandon asked "Would it be smarter for you to wear spandex more often, just in case?" I blinked then said "It would. I have an idea, but we need to discuss it because what you think matters to me." Brandon froze as if paused and I said "Stop. I told you I was all in. I just told you I loved you, and apparently in one of many verbal blunders, I proposed. Stop acting like you're chasing me and I'm trying to get away. Please?" Brandon said "I would fucking marry you tomorrow Amy. Don't push me because I have waited a long time to be with you and even without the epic sex every hour, I want you and this. Us."

I sighed "Every hour?"

Brandon grinned "Seems like."

We kissed and I ignored the buzzing of what seemed like perpetual arousal lately as I asked "What if we found some kind of spandex skirt and made it into a cute outfit. Sort of like SUPERGIRL but hotter?" Brandon grinned and said "Baby, I think you should just save money and do it naked." Oddly I didn't gasp or overreact. The truth is it wouldn't take a lot of conversation or convincing. I smiled at Brandon and asked "And the next time I get overwhelmed and fucked like a pornstar?"

Brandon lost it and was all over me.

I'm not sure how we ended up in the bedroom.

We fucked like time was running out, and just as my orgasm exploded and the lights flickered, Brandon huffed "You're so fucking slutty" then pulled out and came all over me. Even as I lay there catching my breath and staring at Brandon's spew on my body, he asked "Are you mad?" I shrugged "That you called me slutty and came on me? Not really." He blinked then asked "After another shower and lunch, I have an idea." We were rinsing off, had shared a couple of kisses, then I asked "If I fully let down my guard and embrace all the love and sex, do you promise not to leave me?" Brandon held my sides, smiled at me, then said "Once and for all Amy, you are my one. Nerdy and plain or super and hot, I want nothing else from life than to be with you forever."

I sighed, "You just have to insult me when you compliment me."

He grinned, kissed me, then we got out of the shower.

I was distracted and in the kitchen finishing the sandwiches we had started when Brandon laughed "See? You don't even realize it. You're naked and finally comfortable in your perfect body." I sighed "One, let's try to actually make it an hour before we screw, and two, I am willing to be the world's first naked superhero if we can test and make sure I can stay in glow form." Brandon blinked "How can we test that?" I shrugged "As much as I hate destroying the trees, I'll let off some steam, maybe have you figure out a way to distract me? You're the smart one babe, think up some ideas while we eat." Brandon asked "If I really have to wait an hour to fuck you, could you maybe put some clothes on?"

I stared at Brandon then said "That right there? That compliment? I forgive you for all the plain, average and other rude insults. Also, no. you wanted to be with me so badly that you chased me for a year, deal with my nudity and maybe I'll let you fuck me after we eat." The truth is, besides being what feels like constant arousal since the electrical toxic waste explosion that gave me my powers, the fact that Brandon's lust, love and desire ran so deep, I ate quickly because I really wanted more sex.

Sigh... was I slutty all along and just didn't realize it?

We talked about my apartment, his, and how I would eventually get caught coming and going as GLOW GIRL. I asked him "Are you willing to commute here? If we need something in a hurry there's the small town a couple of miles away, and I can always fly or teleport." Brandon looked at me as he chewed, swallowed, sipped his Pepsi, then asked "When we're not at work which is usually 5 or 6 days, we would be together and very likely having sex, so why does it matter where we live? I say yes." I grinned and said "At some point we have to do other things baby. We can't just screw and fuck nonstop." Brandon grinned at me, I felt a flash of excitement, then purred "I mean at some point."

Unintentionally ending the awkward moment, Michelle called. First my phone, then Brandon's. I was still staring at her name on my ‘incoming call' screen when the call ended and Brandon's phone started ringing. He answered "Hey babe" but before I could get jealous I could hear Michelle on speaker say "Hey back. Where's my girl?" I felt a warm chill and said "I'm here babe" with an emphasis on babe. Michelle purred "Don't give me a tone babe or I'll do that thing with my tongue you pretend not to like." I failed to stifle a moan as Michelle said "So I did something and I need you to trust me."

I was sharing Brandon with her, doing sexy and inappropriate things naked with her, she knew I was GLOW GIRL, how did she not think I trusted her?

Michelle asked "Babe? Are you there?" I said "I'm here. What did you do?" With a deep sigh, Michelle said "I cashed in a favor and got you an appointment to get checked out." I was forming the retort ‘checked out' when Michelle said "Because of the explosion and investigation, you and Brandon have to have full physicals including psych evals. Obviously B can go to his primary and the company will pay for it, but I'm thinking the less people who think, suspect or know your secret, the better it is all around." I sighed "You're right" and Michelle said "Those two days the three of us spent mostly naked should have been proof you can trust me Amy, but I swear on our relationship that I got you." I panted "Relationship" and Michelle sighed "Yeah."

Then she laughed "I'll be out tonight to see you both. I need to get laid."

She hung up and I asked "Is it me or did she not give us any actual appointment info?" Michelle called back on my phone, this time I answered and put it on speaker as she said "Sorry. I got off track thinking about all the sexy stuff we can..." I gasped "MICHELLE" and she exhaled "Sorry. Sorry. I'll text you the appointment time and info. Brandon should already have his appointment info. Amy, try not to expose yourself to Danny unless you can help it." I seriously blushed, I was top level horny now, and I breathed "Expose myself?" Michelle laughed, "That you're GLOW GIRL babe. If you want to expose that model perfect body, there's not a person alive that would refuse to look at you. I meant, try to focus during the tests not to become GLOW GIRL."

I whined "Okay. I'll try"

Michelle laughed "Fuck you both later" and hung up.

Overwhelmed and horny I asked "Do you think she would move in with us?"

Brandon just grinned.

A few days ago I was shy, awkward, nerdy and lonely, more worried about comics, videogames and why MARVEL seemed to go off track after ENDGAME. I mean HAWKEYE and SHE-HULK were good, but not great, and GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY 3 was good, but overall it was barely controlled chaos that didn't seem to be linked to any kind of actual overall story. And DC? JUSTICE LEAGUE sucked and they keep rebooting BATMAN, SUPERMAN, and now WONDER WOMAN.

Sorry, I got distracted again.

Basically I surprised myself when I stood and said to Brandon "Fuck me."

We didn't even go to the bedroom. He just pushed down his shorts, his cock was nice and hard, and he pushed me against the table and entered me. I was dizzy with excitement and asked "What if I purposely wore cute outfits knowing when I use certain powers I would expose myself?"

Brandon fucked me into another timezone!

I was laying on the table happy with his cum dripping out of me as he stood above me, stared at me, then huffed "You are the hottest fucking female alive and if I have to rob a bank I will buy you an engagement ring." Just to be naughty I flirted "If you do, I'll have to catch you and take you in." Brandon groaned and shoved his cock right back inside my pussy. He fucked me like I owed it to him and the scary part was my mind filled with the gangbang in Detroit and how all those guys couldn't fuck me fast or hard enough. The thought of being the first ever slutty superhero riled me so much I felt and saw the explosion of both my powers and my orgasm.

Oddly, other than shredding Brandon's clothes, nothing happened to anything inside the cabin. Brandon was apologizing for losing control so I touched his face and said "First, when we get riled up, nothing you say or do affects our relationship." Brandon stared at me as messy and dripping cum, I sat at the edge of the table and asked "Secondly, how can we figure out how to hone my blast wave so that I can choose whether to destroy stuff with it?" Brandon blinked then said "I wouldn't even know how to search that stuff online without the NSA or the FBI showing up." I laughed "Or S.H.I.E.L.D." and Brandon said "HAIL HYDRA."

Sorry if you don't get that, try Googling it?

I hurried to the bathroom to wipe up and pee, maybe not in that order, then came back out to find Brandon cleaning up my mess. I mean, his mess, maybe my mess, but it was still sweet. I took his hand, led him to the shower, and we didn't talk, just kissed and washed up. Again I stayed naked and with just shorts on, Brandon said "That might be the best part of living out here." I blushed but grinned "Me being naked?" He smiled and I said "Makes it easier to have sex, that's for sure." Brandon inhaled, I blushed, then Michelle called. When I answered she huffed "Maybe I wasn't clear or specific enough babe, your appointment is today. So is Brandon's." I sighed "Okay. Sorry. When is it?" Michelle huffed "His is in 5 minutes, yours started 10 minutes ago."

Michelle hung up and I said "Get ready. We're gonna try something."

When we were both dressed, I handed Brandon a bag with a change of clothes for me, including a cute spandex outfit, my wallet, and my phone. He seemed confused when I stood by his truck and said "Babe, it's almost an hour drive." I smiled and he inhaled "Really? So fucking cool" and got into his truck. I had on a cute knee length blue and white miniskirt dress that fit my new, buff body, socks, sneakers and pretty pink lingerie. I knew when I became GLOW GIRL, it didn't affect my clothes as long as I didn't use my electricity powers or my blast wave. I lifted Brandon's truck easily, then flew us to town. It may be an hour drive, but I think I flew us there in less than five minutes. I set him down in the parking lot two blocks from his doctor's office and made a huge point of saying loudly "There you go sir. Be careful from now on." Brandon shouted "THANK YOU GLOW GIRL" and I flew off as the dozen or so people nearby just stared.

I was at least a 7 on the horny scale from using my powers to fly us to town. Lately anything 5 and above led to sex, but if I'm honest, I'm down to fuck at 1. I didn't know where this inner strength and forward sexuality came from, but so far getting blasted by lightning and toxic waste was all good. I flew to the address Michelle had sent me and sighed. It's a good thing I had memorized it, because Brandon had driven off with the bag containing my extra clothes, wallet and phone. I promised myself to stay focused, not get into trouble, and for sure, stay dressed.

If I could do at least one of those things, I would call it a win.

The building was more like a warehouse than a clinic or doctors office, and when I went inside a tall woman dressed all in black smiled at me. I was getting serious supervillain vibes from her, but ignored it because as far as we knew, I was the only person on Earth with any kind of abilities.

This wasn't MARVEL or DC, I mean come on.

She introduced herself as Kyra and her hand felt cold when we shook. She stole glances at me as she entered my info, but when she asked for my ID I swallowed and said "So ummm..." She crossed her arms under her large chest and stared at me. Why exactly was she dressed all in black? I said "I sort of left my stuff in my boyfriend's truck." Kyra exhaled slowly then said "Fine. let's call him and..." She blinked then asked "Your phone too?" I nodded and she said "This is highly irregular."

Who even talks like that?

A man so fit, so buff, so handsome that I forgot who Brandon was, came into the room and asked "Amy?" My God he was at least 6' 1" built like a quarterback, had very short brown hair, deep blue eyes, a mesmerizing smile, and he just stood there making me wet.

I'm sorry Brandon for what I'm about to do... possibly several times!

Kyra said "Danny, meet Amy, your new client. Amy, this is Danny, he'll be taking care of you." I moaned "God I hope so" and Kyra made a face as she pounded her keyboard keys hard enough to reveal serious jealousy. I couldn't stop my hormones or my mouth when I panted "I didn't know doctors could be so hot." Danny said "I was thinking the same thing. You are an absolute knockout, are you sure you're a cop?" Security Officer actually, but it wasn't important to correct him at the exact moment.

Besides, I had never actually drawn my gun except at the range.

We went down a hallway that confused me. From outside this place seemed like a warehouse. Inside it was laid out like a top secret lab. Danny used a keycard to enter a room marked "BIOMETRICS" and said "Have a seat anywhere." I looked around and froze. Why was there a bed in here and what were those restraints for? I knew what ONLY FANS was, have seen private websites, and am not ashamed to admit I used to look at Porn. I knew what the restraints were for, it just confused me why they were here. I blushed seriously when I saw a partially closed drawer with various colored dildos of different sizes and shapes. I also saw what looked like remote controlled vibrators.

My GLOW GIRL sense was tingling and I'm not even sure if that's a thing.

I turned to say something to Danny when the room lit up as the taser he put to my neck blasted me with a long, full charge. As I blacked out I heard Danny say "Just relax now."

I awoke on some kind of table, fully restrained and confused. I was naked, ridiculously horny, fifty miles past aroused, and it felt like my pussy was vibrating. I was dizzy, it was difficult to concentrate, and in my ardor I noticed a few alarming things. I had some kind of vibrating nipple clamps on and they kept jolting me with small bursts of electricity, keeping me stunned, dizzy and hyper aroused. Worse, I could see and feel either a vibrating dildo or actual vibrator in my pussy and it was working overtime with throbbing, pulsing and pushing itself against my tender insides. It felt like I was inside an orgasm that kept happening and I couldn't focus on anything except the pleasure.

My body felt so good, I was so horny, and even though I tried, I couldn't change into GLOW GIRL. Past my daze and arousal, Danny came into view. He was naked, smiling wickedly, and super hard. Maybe 8 or 9 inches of rock had cock. All I could think about was convincing him to pull that vibrating dildo out and fucking me with that huge cock.

Instead Danny asked "Well GLOW GIRL, shall we begin?"

Oh God!

... to be continued.

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