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Rendevous with my favorite writerthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 2204 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: Olderguy
Added: Apr 01 2001Views / Reads: 2878 / 1813 [63%]Part vote: 7.00 (2 votes)
I pay a visit to my favorite author and have a "special weekend"

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I began reading erotic stories on the web about a year ago. I came across a story written by Sweet Sue who wove a fantastic story about visiting a masseuse for the first time. Since I have a masseuse who I think the world of, I wrote to Sue and told her of it, not expecting to even hear back. Much to my pleasant surprise, she not only wrote back, but we have become really good friends. She even wrote a story about visiting me and my masseuse.

That meeting was a beautiful experience that left me with a longing to repeat it. When she left to return home, I definitely had the feeling that the door was open to such an arrangement. Sue lives in Seattle and I live in upstate New York, so you can imagine the challenge that presented.

Over time, as our correspondence got hotter and hotter, I proposed to Sue that I make a trip to the west coast and spend a weekend with her and her husband Jeff, who seems like a great guy based on what Sue and I have discussed. By the way, we are all in our fifties and we’ve had a lot of experiences between us, so conversation about every topic is very comfortable.

We finally agreed on a weekend that would work for all of us. I made reservations in an upscale hotel in downtown Seattle and headed west. My plans were to arrive on Friday evening and take the redeye back Sunday night. ...

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