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Discreet Encountersthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2000 words)

Author: Simone
Added: Apr 01 2001Views / Reads: 1415 / 1024 [72%]Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
After placing an ad seeking a male for LTR, I decided against it. Being honest with myself, I knew I only wanted a f/b.

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Originally I posted an ad for SWF seeking SWM. After several responses not panning out I quickly pulled it. Several dateless days later it occurred to me what I really needed. I wanted a good old fashioned fuck buddy! Thank goodness for online personals, there's a place to find anything you're looking for.

I placed an ad for just that. My catchy headline? Seeking F/B for LTR (Long Term Relationship)! Within hours there were more responses than I could keep up with. What's a girl to do? I decided first things first, to weed through the undesirables.

I narrowed it down to two that I enjoyed talking to, and soon the emails took on a tone of sexual desires being shared as well as an eagerness to meet. I decided that meeting was going to have to happen quickly, for fear I'd chicken out at my sudden boldness and possible stupidity.

The first one I met was named Paul. We met in a public place and I sure was glad. He looked older than the 35 years he claimed to be. In fact, I'm pretty sure he shaved a good 10 years off! I decided to overlook that fact and to share a drink and give it a shot. I felt very creeped out as he seemed to get angry as time went on because I wasn't interested. He was determined to get at least a blow job and I suppose I was to find the offer irresistable...but managed to slip out by saying I was going to the bathroom first. I bailed out the kitchen after explaining my predicament to a waitress. ...

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