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The Overlookthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:oral sex, 4011 words)

Author: Rum
Added: Apr 12 2001Views / Reads: 2101 / 1653 [79%]Story vote: 8.00 (2 votes)
Thanks to Che for the help...even tho I lost the re-write. I had to re-write myself. Hope you enjoy and of course comments are greatly appreciated.

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The Overlook By Rum

I first saw her while I was registering for my second semester at the local college. She was standing two people in front of me but seeing her from behind was enough to get my motor jump-started. She was about 5'5" or 5'6" and I guessed her weight to be about 110 lbs. soaking wet. She had blonde hair and without ever touching her, I just knew it was as soft as rabbit fur. I was daydreaming about her while waiting to register. You know what I mean, not sexual dreams but the kind of dream that tells you that the woman in front of you looks beautiful without seeing her face. Christ, I was imagining a lot without direct knowledge of her looks or her soft hair but I was going to try hard to find out about her. As it turned out, I did know what she looked like because she half turned to look at something towards our left. I had seen her around campus a few times. Usually with the same jerk no less. I had seen them holding hands so I assumed that they were a couple. When I thought about her as a couple, I realized that she had not been around with him in some time. That brought a smile to my face in a New York minute.

When I got close to the registrar's desk, I was pleasantly surprised to see Sally, a woman from my Algebra class last semester. She and I had studied together a couple of times before some tests. I pulled out a small pad and wrote a note to Sally. The note asked her for "The Blonde's" name. When it was my turn, Sally just looked at the note and ...

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