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Prisonerthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:exhibitionism, 4620 words)

Author: demonoid1 Picture in profile
Added: Apr 14 2001Views / Reads: 3050 / 2642 [87%]Story vote: 6.75 (4 votes)
Janet, a country & western singer, is taken prisoner at the club that she's going to be entertaining in.

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Janet west was a country and western singer. She was just beginning to make her mark in the business. her husband was her manager and traveled with her everywhere. Tonight they had stopped at a bar that looked like a real dive. Janet's husband, Roy, told her that a friend of his owned the bar. Roy had made a deal with his friend for Janet and her band to play one night. The gig was to be 3 sets for about an hour each. Janet and her band had just finished the 2nd set and was taking a 15 minute break. Roy was sitting with her. The members of her band were at the bar.

"Honey, why'd you book me into this place?" She asked Roy.

"The owner, Sam Wilson, is a good friend of mine. He wants to fix up his bar and make it a really nice place. He wrote me a letter and asked if you'd play here for one night only. He said that with Janet west singing here, he could make enough money to get the place fixed up."

"Well, the people here really appreciate my singing and the band. He must've advertised my being here. Some of the people have told me how much they like my music and a few have my album. Guess I really don't mind helping your friend. This place is overly large. Hope he does get enough money from our appearance."


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