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Seduction of Terrythis story is part of the FanClub (mm:seduction, 8877 words)

Author: decal
Added: May 23 2000Views / Reads: 1619 / 1099 [68%]Story vote: 9.00 (1 vote)
A married Brit opens his home to a visiting Yank only to have his secret longings turned very real.

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"Seduction of Terry" by decal (decal02@hotmail.com)

Part 1

I've been remembering that first time we met. You know, when my consulting firm sent me along with a team of engineers to work that jet engine problem you discovered. To keep costs down and to show us Yanks your warm Brit hospitality we all got assigned to a host family for our stay. And I got you. Those first few days I was all eyes, never having been to another country before. You and your family were so welcoming that I settled in like I was in my own home. Remember how I kept talking about missing my girl back home? While I did miss her, I was also really glad I was staying with you. Why? Because I found you to be a really hot-looking man. You see, I have fooled around with guys off-and-on since I was a kid. I guess you'd call me slightly bi. And getting into a straight guy's pants has always held a special attraction for me.

So, Terry, I was feeling pretty frustrated ... and excited at the same time ... those first few days staying with you, especially after that evening when we changed clothes together before going out to jog. When I saw that you were uncut, I just about threw an erection on the spot. I still wonder if you caught the shakiness in my voice as I frantically tried to get my running shorts on before my pecker gave me away. Now if I'd known then what you told me later ... that you were curious about ...

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