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Taking the day offthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:first time, 1763 words)

Author: pleasebegentle
Added: May 13 2001Views / Reads: 7947 / 4806 [60%]Story vote: 9.00 (1 vote)
I take a day off work to fulfill a fantasy.

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I was nervous as I approached her house. For most of the day I had been worrying about whether or not I would go through with it all, and even at this late stage I was unsure of myself. The house was in a fairly nice part of Dublin, and the front of it was hidden by a variety of trees and bushes sprawling over a large and well-maintained garden. I had debated with myself over whether or not I should bring a bottle of wine, or some other gift, and then eventually decided against it. It didn't seem appropriate, although by now I was shaking so much that a drink would have been perfect for calming my nerves. I had been fantasising for weeks about how this was all going to turn out after Jenny had first emailed me. She had got in touch to thank me for turning her on so much with my previous story. Unlike the other emails from people who had enjoyed the story though, Jenny had gone into detail of what she had done to herself as she read it, and went as far as telling me the things she wanted to do to me. I read her email at work, and had to go to the toilet to relieve myself as soon as I had read it. It was awkward walking through the office with my cock as hard as a brick, but I had no option. I would have come there and then if I hadn't, and it wouldn't have been a pretty sight! After I got her first email we began sending fairly lurid details of what we wanted to do to each other, and it was only a matter of time before we met up. Which is what led me to where I was now. I'd worked up the hours for a flexi day from work, and decided to use them productively, without letting my girlfriend know what I was up to. Much as I loved her, she wouldn't understand what I was up to. ...

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