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Author: Jersey Story Consortium
Added: May 27 2001Views / Reads: 9727 / 7690 [79%]Story vote: 6.50 (4 votes)
Sara loves large cocks. This is how she got her start: while attending her first sex party! Lots of fucking, and something for big tit fans at the end. (BASED ON A TRUE STORY!) (PLEASE GIVE FEEDBACK!)

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(Description: Sara loves large cocks. This is how she got her start while at a sex party.)

In the early 90's I used to host a lot of sex parties. I shared a large house with 3 other adults, and we were all perverts... I mean, sexually liberated, and every couple months we'd host a party. We'd announce it to friends we made through the internet, and send special invitations to people we knew would be interested. People that RSVPed received a list of etiquette rules and the details such as date and location. We'd often have 30-40 people, usually equal number of men and women and the party would last 1-2 days. We had a diverse group of people, from all over the east coast, including people that were straight, gay, bi, black, white, hispanic, asian... you name it! Everyone would have a great time and great sex!

This is a story from those parties.

A couple hours into a party we heard some loud moaning from one of the bedrooms. Eric, who had been to a couple of our parties, was in one of the second floor bedrooms having sex with Sara. It was Sara's first party. I walked over to the room to watch. The great thing about being a party host is being able to watch.

Let me pause to describe these two. Eric was from North Carolina and was a sexy 23 year-old. Muscles, short brown hair, and a smile that ...

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