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Anticipationthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 2166 words)

Author: Jade Love
Added: May 30 2001Views / Reads: 1711 / 1278 [75%]Story vote: 9.00 (3 votes)
I am given the gift surrender. My lover has agreed to let me love him and please him the way that I want to. I am allowed to express my true, sexual self, openly, uninhibited and without shame.

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I can't believe that I'm finally here!

Every little detail since leaving Calgary at dawn has been perfect. And now I'm here, in Denver, getting out of a cab in front of the Brown Palace, the grandest hotel in the city. The cabby smiles a toothy grin as he takes the money from my trembling hand and says; "Show him the time of his life, Honey". I feel my cheeks flush with crimson as I wonder how he could have uncovered the purpose of my visit in the short, silent ride from the airport. Could I be that transparent?

It is a beautiful, sunny day, and a cool mountain breeze waltzes by as I step from the taxi, lifting my skirt in a pirouette around my waist. I am so grateful that I decided to put panties on at the last minute or I could have been spending the evening in a jail cell rather than an elegant suite. A young man, whose name tag assures me that he is Chuck, rushes to load my bags onto the cart. "His red hair and freckles will keep him looking youthful forever," I think to myself as he whisks me through the front doors.

The lobby is enormous but inviting with its soft pastels and warm lighting. Chuck and I head for the front desk so that I can register. The rest of the afternoon is a blur. I am treated to a day of pampering and shopping at the hotel's salon, spa and shops, a surprise from my lover. He is all that I can think about and all that I have been able to think about since we met, three months ago. The passion of our ...

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