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Frolic on the Ferrythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 1889 words)

Author: 14cheeky
Added: Jun 20 2001Views / Reads: 8994 / 7156 [80%]Story vote: 8.33 (12 votes)
A couple get carried away while sharing a cabin with a male freind on a ferry journey, leading to the wife's first experience of two men to please

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I've read erotic for many years now, and while I have always nearly always found them to be entertaining, I have often doubted the authenticity, as I found it difficult to believe that so many people would do half the things regularly described. However, following several recent events, my opinion has changed somewhat, as things that "never happens to anyone I know" have happened to me.

There are three separate stories I could relate, but I will concentrate on the last of the three, as it concerns one of my favourite topics, and fantasies, sharing my partner with another man. I know this is a topic that has been covered many times, but the following really did happen.

As the saying goes, the following is a true story, only the names have been changed to protect the innocent.

A few days ago, my girlfriend, Emma, and I and some friends were due to travel to France for a weekend. We had booked cabins for the outward journey, and were due to share with two friends. However at the last minute, one of our friends cancelled, leaving us sharing with John, a good friend of ours. We have known John and his wife for years, and while we have shared hotel rooms, sauna's, Jacuzzi's, etc. there has never been any intimate contact between any of us, although John and I had often remarked about sharing or swapping, but we knew the ladies were not up for it. ...

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