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chris and janciethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:anal sex, 4647 words)

Author: chris
Added: Jul 08 2001Views / Reads: 9852 / 8176 [83%]Story vote: 4.00 (1 vote)
a guy goes to gym for a workout and he gets much more than just a workout

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Chris and Janice Author: CBF316

God the gym I go to is filled with females who wear those long black workout spandex pants that absolutely drive me nuts. Well, today I was there and there was this one female with the rounded ass I ever saw in black spandex pants. I was so worked up that I finished my workout and decided to write a story about her and here it goes.

Only a few more sets Chris told himself as he went over to the water fountain and sipped down a few gulps of water when out of the corner of his eye he saw walk in the gym the most beautiful female he ever laid eyes on. She had on a small black top and a bare mid drift and ultra tight black spandex workout pants.

Chris just watched as she went over to one of the leg machines and began to do a set. He couldn't keep his eyes off her beautiful ass. It was so round and looked so hot in those pants and she filled them out quite nicely. The gym was quite empty and Chris went over and did a set and watched her as she laid down on the gym floor and began to undo her sneakers.

She undid the laces and slide off her socks and put them aside and did the same with her other sneaker and then got up and walked over and put them in her gym bag as Chris just looked on in astonishment. She then went over to one of the smith machines and began to do lunges barefoot. ...

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