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Shoppingthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:exhibitionism, 1535 words)

Author: BritGrrl
Added: Jul 24 2001Views / Reads: 8053 / 4983 [62%]Story vote: 8.20 (10 votes)
Katy and Brittany find pleasure at the mall

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Author’s note: This is the fourth in a series about my adventures with Katy which began in The Lake and continued in Parking. I welcome constructive comments as well as general compliments. I will respond to anyone who includes a valid email address. For those anonymous complainers, I say “tuff nougies” since you don’t have the courage to face an honest exchange.

Shopping By Britster

Columbia SC has several great shopping malls – each filled with many wonderful chain stores big and small, plus housing a few small independent boutiques catering to the upper income brackets. It was a sweltering summer day when Katy and I entered the almost arctic chill of the mall, the sudden cold making our nipples swell against the light linen material of our halter tops. Cut-off shorts bordering on the edge of being “Daisy Dukes” and sandals completed our look. We looked like what we were...college coeds home for the summer, cruising the mall, looking for the latest in fashion to wear back to school next month.

One of my favorite stores to browse in is Victoria’s Secret. While I would not wear their lingerie for everyday wear, I have some special pieces for those special intimate moments. I was looking for something new for that purpose but since Katy was with me, I was really only window shopping. Katy was searching through some lovely silk teddies ...

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