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Aunt Audreythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 2218 words)

Author: B.R.B.
Added: May 24 2000Views / Reads: 8008 / 5583 [70%]Story vote: 7.67 (3 votes)
A young man and his moms best friend.

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AUNT AUDREY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------

I had just turned 17, and driving around with my girlfriend,looking for something to do. I had a idea to visit Aunt Audrey in Berrington. Actually Aunt Aud was my Moms best friend,she had recently bought a house out there and it had a great pool. We arrived at the house and as usual I entered without knocking.I called out but there was no answer. I left Diane at the door and went exploring calling to my Aunt as I went. I got halfway down the hall when I heard her call out"who's there". I let her know it was me and Diane. She called me to her room we exchanged family type hugs. She was glad to see me and asked what brought me way out to the boonies. I told her that if it was alright with her I and Di wanted to stir the water in the pool. She said with her usual good nature her pool was my pool,any time I wanted I was welcome and to bring my friends. People say things like that all the time hopeing you wont take them up on it, but comming from her it was a genuine invite! I asked if she would join us ,but she was lying down because of a headache,"maby later". I returned to the livingroom Di was sytanding at the picture window looking out at the pool. S he asked why it was built so far from the house. I had no answer for her. It was built 50 or 60 feet from the house,I'd have to ask Aud when she got up from her nap. ...

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