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Dipping into the Honey Potthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 6051 words)

Author: Sleye_One
Added: Aug 16 2001Views / Reads: 7572 / 6707 [89%]Story vote: 8.67 (3 votes)
Mandy finds that working after hours can have its rewards - her boss, his pal and the lusty taste of a threesome

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Mandy sighed and brushed a lock of her jet black hair away from her forehead. “What a fucking nightmare!” she said aloud, to no one in particular.

Her job as Purchasing Manager was stressful and certainly had its share of long hours. When she started at Consolidated Foods she thought she would be quickly moving up the corporate ladder. She had her eyes set on a job at the VP level; after all she had the background from her stint at Braai Biscuit Company (which, she acknowledged, was a much smaller company), as well as her M.B.A. and her undergrad degree in Finance. But somehow, she never could find her way into the job she wanted. She was pleased to be working as the level she was, and had been promoted into the position after just one year with the company. But now it was 2 years later, and she was getting frustrated. The long hours the job demanded, and the constant overseeing of her staff caused her to fall into bed each night... utterly exhausted.

As she sat at her desk, she reflected on the fact that she hadn’t even gone out on a date in almost 8 months, let alone had sex. For her last sexual encounter, she had to look back almost 11 months. A guy from the Blue Fox insurance Accounting Department who was short, sweaty, and quite possibly the most unsatisfying fuck she ever had. He pounded away on top of her for a minute, shot his load on her stomach, mumbled ...

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