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The Cabin Tripthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:swingers, 1555 words)

Author: Dick Tracy
Added: Aug 22 2001Views / Reads: 9607 / 6010 [63%]Story vote: 8.86 (7 votes)
A couple new to swinging has a first experience they won't soon forget on a weekend trip to a cabin with friends.

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The Cabin Trip

Wow, were we looking forward to a weekend away. No children, no work, and no worries. Gill and Theresa were on their way over to pick us up when I looked at my wife, Desi, and realized that this weekend would most likely change our lives for a long time to come. Gill and Theresa are friends of ours that we've known for a long time were into the "lifestyle". Once, we even had a brief encounter with them ourselves. We did some playing, kissing and stroking, but no real sexual contact. Although curious about swingers, Desi and I had really fantasized about her being with other women more than anything else.

Gill and Theresa showed up right on time and ready to head to the cabin for a 2-night vacation that we all agreed was long overdue. Theresa was wearing shorts and a tank top that showed off her beautiful 31-year-old body. She has 2 children, but looking at her you'd swear she was a fitness trainer. I saw the twinkle in Desi's eye when she and Theresa kissed hello. I knew she noticed how hot Theresa looked in those shorts! A quick peck and ass slap from Theresa got me in the right frame of mind and off we went to the beautiful scenery and a weekend I'll never forget!

When we arrived, the first thing I did was break open a bottle of Southern Comfort and make a toast. We all had several shots and headed for the hot tub. We didn't even have to ask if swimming suits were ...

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