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Massagedthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:threesomes, 3313 words)

Author: JennTill1
Added: Sep 14 2001Views / Reads: 4538 / 3818 [84%]Story vote: 8.50 (6 votes)
"Playing around" on-line can open some fun doors---if you're willing to take the chance! This is the story of meeting an on-line couple who offer this girl a free massage, no strings attached!

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Archive name: massaged.txt (mff) Authors name: JennTill1@Hotmail.com (JennTill) Story title : MASSAGED

Massaged by JennTill

Although this hasn't happened yet....it still may! (Parts are VERY TRUE!)

It was one of those "weaker" moments. I had been broken up with an abusive (verbally) boyfriend and it had been awhile since.... well, since I had had "any".

I was playing On Line and a couple made contact with me. I had been chatting with them off and on over a 2 or 3 month period and since they were located near me, I decided it would be fun to exchange pics, etc.

One night while on line, "Fred" had contacted me and, more or less, said he and his wife Jeannie would be interested in giving me a massage....no strings.

Well I live with my Aunt in a rather "safe haven" atmosphere. She watches over me rather closely and tries to make sure I'm safe, happy, and not contacted in any way by my former boyfriend who has made some real, serious threats.


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