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All shaved and nowhere to gothis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 6637 words)

Author: Millenium_Mann
Added: May 25 2000Views / Reads: 2019 / 1434 [71%]Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A story of how a little ogling backfired and landed my tied up for punishment and loving it. My first story, I hope you enjoy...

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When I was 24 and just out of school I started at a small company, I had a lot of fun working there, but the most fun I had was my smoke breaks down in the cafeteria. I would usually join two colleagues for a smoke there, and we would spend all of our time rating the secretaries that worked in the building based on their skirts and low blouses.

There was one lady in particular that I almost died over the first time I saw her. She was about 40ish but you could see that she worked out on a regular basis. She had long auburn hair that came down just past her shoulders, light hazel eyes and a tanned body that was to die for. Although she had rather shapely hips, she still had a nice firm tummy and ass. Not to mention an extremely large set of breast that looked as though they were still as perky as they were on her 18th birthday. She always wore rather conservative clothes but on those days that she wore a skirt or tight slacks all I could do was imagine those long legs wrapped around me.

My buddies and I were always very discreet about our comments, making sure not to do the obvious whispers. We would just use jokes to get our point across to each other, almost like code that only we could understand, or so I thought.

On one particular day 2 of my friends were on a business trip and the other was sick, so at 11am I ended up going for my morning coffee & smoke by myself. No one else was in the cafeteria so I sat down in the ...

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