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Author: demonoid1 Picture in profile
Added: Oct 18 2001Views / Reads: 5515 / 3537 [64%]Part vote: 8.00 (1 vote)
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Doctored Physical Written By:Wolf Edited By:M'Lady

Alice woke up one morning wanting to look through the classified ads, the "Help Wanted Ads" in particular. She had lost her previous job due to "downsizing." "Downsizing yeah, right." thought Alice, "Just a fancy word for firing people. Age and ability doesn't count any more. If you're not young, they don't need you. It's easier to hire someone young, at a lower pay scale than to keep an experienced person on at higher pay scale. In this day and age, the new word for "firing" is "downsizing."

At least she did receive enough from her "savings" to last a several months. It was plenty of time to find a new job, if you were young. With her 20 years of experience and her incredible age of 40, where would she find a job? It would be like starting all over. She would be "The New Kid On The Block." At age 40, Alice didn't feel like being "The New kid On The Block." But she had no choice. In another few months, her bank account would be empty and if there were any hope of finding another job, now was the time.

After breakfast and a quick shower, Alice started to peruse the local newspaper. With just a quick glance, nothing caught her attention. This was the usual way that Alice searched through any paper. If something caught her eye, she might be in luck. If not, she went back at a slower pace. This she was doing now. Half way into the ads, she saw this one. ...

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