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The Auditorthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 4388 words)

Author: lildavidj
Added: Oct 27 2001Views / Reads: 3410 / 3017 [88%]Story vote: 8.20 (5 votes)
A young male auditor is teased by the sexy female accountant of the school district he is auditing. Teasing turns serious when he asks for records from the storeroom.

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As he drove closer and closer to the engagement site, his nervousness grew. He was a young auditor, about to arrive at his first assignment where he was in charge of the engagement. He had been to the school district before, but this time he was the one in charge. The engagement partner trusted him to put the entire project together. He had felt confident and ready when he responded yes to the opportunity, but as reality set in, his confidence was challenged with some doubts.

As he drove along, he thought about the one bright spot about the engagement...her name was Sara. She was the lady who did the accounting for the school and was the primary person that he would have to interact with through the audit process. She was a very attractive, sexy lady. Maybe it was just his imagination, but she had seemed very, very friendly toward him when he was on site the prior year. It had seemed she had gone out of her way to brush against him or to touch him whenever the two of them were in the room alone. He had asked her to help him find some invoices and she had sat next to him and pressed her body close at every opportunity. Was it his imagination, or did she have a thing for him? They would be alone a lot during the audit, so he would have a chance to find out.

Just the sexual thoughts tended to calm his nerves. He pulled up to the school and strode in confidently. He certainly hoped that Sara would be there when he arrived to help him get started. She was sitting at her desk looking even more attractive than he had remembered. She ...

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