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Juliathis story is part of the FanClub (fm:voyeurism, 995 words)

Author: Michael000
Added: Nov 05 2001Views / Reads: 5479 / 1 [0%]Story vote: 8.60 (5 votes)
My first attempt at an erotic story. About what an eighteen year old sees when his sister's friend comes to visit from college. Feedback is very much appreciated.

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Late one night, as I was returning to my bedroom after a drinking a glass of milk in the kitchen, I heard the soft rustling of sheets and blankets in the room next to mine. Stopping, I saw that the door to the room was slightly ajar.

I had turned eighteen just s couple of months before, right after my older sister, Stephanie, had gone to college. Now, over summer, she had returned to my parents' house to visit, bringing along a sorority friend of hers: Julia, a girl slightly older than she was and almost impossibly voluptuous and sexy. She had light blond hair that fell to just below her shoulders, deep blue eyes and very full lips; very light, almost pale skin; and shapely legs that I watched frequently, along with her full, inviting breasts. I don't know if she had ever noticed me watching her while we were all outside in the yard or having dinner and might have been shocked to know some of the things that I had thought about her.

Or maybe not. Now, pausing next to her door dressed in my sweats and a T-shirt, I thought I could hear a soft sigh from her room. Knowing that everyone else in the house was asleep as well as Julia, I was sure, I decided to take just one look at her while she was sleeping. Very gently, so as not to wake her up, I pushed the door open just a little more.

The bed was positioned by the window in the room looking out into the ...

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