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The Photo Sessionthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 6146 words)

Author: LadyGrey Picture in profile
Added: Sep 26 2009Views / Reads: 10301 / 8986 [87%]Story vote: 9.59 (49 votes)
Laura allows herself to be photographed naked by her husband’s best friend. It leads to an interesting and surprising conclusion. I guess I tried to make this erotic more than sexy, but let me know what you think.

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The Photo Session by Lady Grey

Jane and I always enjoyed our Saturdays out while the guys were at the match. It had become a regular thing since we had all met up at the club dinner a year or so ago. The guys had known each other from university after which Alex had left town to work down south while Joe had got a job locally. Now Alex had returned north married to Jane and bought a place a few miles away. We did go out in a foursome occasionally, but for me it was my fortnightly outing with Jane that I always looked forward too.

We got on well together the first time we met and had soon become intimate friends. Jane was someone you could tell your innermost secrets to. On Saturdays while the guys were out watching the football, we did the shops and the local wine bars, always returning back to our place in a happy mood. We usually shared a takeaway that the guys would bring in, along with a bottle of wine, before parting company

On this particular Saturday, Alex and Jane arrived at the usual time. Jane looked pretty in a small print flowered dress with a tight bodice and wide flared skirt. Her shoulder length blond hair was secured at the back of her neck with a white chiffon scarf. I noticed the way Joe's eyes dropped to her pert breasts, and I guessed from the way her nipples clearly showed that she was not wearing a bra. Joe's actions did not make me feel in any way jealous; it fact it amused me as I knew ...

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