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The Next Assignment, by Lady Greythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:exhibitionism, 3205 words)

Author: LadyGrey Picture in profile
Added: Nov 02 2009Views / Reads: 1669 / 1258 [75%]Story vote: 9.69 (26 votes)
Mary entertains herself after returning home from the Road Hog contest, and is given a challenge before her next assignment. More masturbation and exhibitionism,

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The Next Assignment by Lady Grey.

To the reader, this is part 6 of the very successful Blackmail series, and when I say in the introduction masturbation and exhibitionism, that's what I mean. There is no one to one sex, no anal and no outright fucking. If this is what you are looking for this story is not for you. Some of my readers like this type of story but I guess it's not for everyone. But don't read it and then complain afterwards. Laura.

When Mary arrived home from the Road Hogs wet t-shirt contest, she was in no mood for anything except satisfying her urgent sexual needs. It had been all she could do not to stop the car in a lay on the way home, but after her experience the last time in the car and the resulting photos, she could never be sure where her tormentor was going to pop up.

She managed to get herself to bed, and from her selection of sex toys she selected her favorite and latest purchase, her new wonderful Future Tech Rabbit vibrator, which she had named Roger. She would have rather had the real thing, but at that moment beggars couldn't be choosers and Roger was the next best thing.

Sometimes when her needs were urgent, Roger could be described as the best. Unlike some men, it never went soft, and it always did what was required of it. She applied a smear of lubricating cream to the end and ...

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