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The Class Photo Part 4this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2914 words) [4/9] show all parts

Author: Medellin Picture in profile
Added: May 03 2012Views / Reads: 1442 / 1112 [77%]Part vote: 9.60 (15 votes)
The Class photo takes a new twist when a few days after Emma gets what she wanted from Tom, he finds himself presented with an opportunity to have fun with Emma's mother. Now read on....

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The Class Photo - Part 4 Behind the Garden Shed

Tom was not sure if it was boredom or frustration, but he was restless. It was a pleasant September Sunday and his house and garden were overrun with people. Gina, his stepdaughter was about to go off to University for the first time and his wife, Lisa, had decided to throw a farewell party for Gina's friends, their parents, and a few of their own relatives and friends. All this would have been fine if he had not fucked Emma, one of Gina's friends only a few days ago.

It was bad enough living with an 18 year old stepdaughter, but having her four friends Lucy, Rachel, Emma and Sophie constantly in and out of the house caused his testosterone levels to surge with regularity. Thank goodness Lisa had such a high and varied sex drive, if not he would have been in trouble well before now with one, if not all of the girls, and that would have included Gina! But still at least when he wanted to he could live out his fantasies for them through Lisa. She loved it being told she was the young schoolgirl of his desire, little did she know in his mind he was pumping, Emma, Lucy, Rachel, Sophie and even her daughter Gina as his hard cock shot its cum deep inside her pussy.

The recent problem had been caused by "The Class Photo" the friends had taken in Greece on their post school summer holiday a few weeks back. Accidentally he had found it on the computer, he wished he hadn't. The ...

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