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Imminent Satisfactionthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 5256 words)

Author: Medellin Picture in profile
Added: May 19 2018Views / Reads: 2109 / 1775 [84%]Story vote: 9.62 (13 votes)
Julia checks into the Imminent Satisfaction clinic for their Total Immersion Therapy to resolve her sexual repression and resultant lack of sex. After the gorgeous Chloe uncovers her needs, she receives her assessment therapy session from Adam........

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Imminent Satisfaction

Julia took a deep breath as she walked through the automatic door and up to the reception desk of the clinic. The lady behind the desk looked up and smiled.

"Hello and welcome to Imminent Satisfaction my name is Chloe. How may I help you?" Julia felt apprehension as she responded.

"I hope so" she paused, feeling a little flushed and embarrassed. "I'm Julia Stokes and I am here for a treatment prgramme" Chloe smiled and checked the list on her desk.

"Julia Stokes, ah yes. You are here for the three day total immersion therapy. I assume as you are on the TIT programme it's your first time here. It's rare for anyone to repeat being a TIT but it does happen". She smiled and asked Julia the usual questions about address, date of birth etc. typing them into the computer on her desk. All this made Julia feel more relaxed. But then the questioning changed to be more in line with her expectations and reasons for attending the clinic and signing up for the programme.

"Now Julia, just a few slightly more intimate questions and then we can get you to your private therapy room where you can undress and put on one of our lovely silk robes, have drink and relax ahead of the start ...

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