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Four Play Part 3this story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 7009 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: Medellin Picture in profile
Added: Aug 07 2018Views / Reads: 1929 / 1519 [79%]Part vote: 9.89 (18 votes)
Two couples who have been friends for years have both made unknown swops, but in the third part the four all come to the same understanding that Four Play can be more fun.

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The story so far so you don't get confused like I do sometimes.....

Samantha (Sam) is a cute dark haired and slim woman married to Paul. Mandy is a slim blond with a substantial cleavage married to Steve. Sam and Mandy are best mates and so are Paul and Steve. One night a month ago when staying with Sam and Paul after going to a party that Steve could not make, a drunk Mandy and Paul "pleasured" each other. This has continued regularly since then.

As a direct consequence, Sam suspects that Paul is playing away but not sure with whom and meets with Steve to find out if he knows who she is. Somehow they end up fucking in a multi-story car park about the same time as Paul is giving Mandy her latest shafting! Later that evening both married couples back home have the best sex they have had together in ages neither aware of what happened earlier in the day to the other.

Steve tells Mandy that he met with Sam and that she suspects Paul is playing away. Steve suggests the four meet up to see if they can help sort it out. Mandy agrees as she feels she cannot keep it a secret any longer. Now read on......................

Mandy was getting more nervous as the day progressed. Had it been the ...

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